Student Interest in Companion Animals Ogranizaion FVM Unud P-LO Held Public Lecture on Mental Health in Dogs

On Sunday, May 7 2023, Public Lecture 1 Minpro P-LO 2023 was held semi-online, namely where participants attended online via the Cisco Webex Meeting application while the committee attended offline which coincided in the 3rd floor Meeting Room of FVM Udayana Jimbaran. This public lecture raised the theme "Understanding Your Pets: Everything you need to know about dogs mental health" with a very experienced speaker, drh. Ulfi Nurul Fadlilah.


General Lecture 1 Minpro P-LO 2023 is an activity which is one of the work programs of the Professional Interest in Pet Learning Organization at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. This activity is held annually with the aim of providing new knowledge to students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University so that later they can become veterinarians who understand and understand mental health disorders in dogs.


In this activity, don't forget to invite the ranks of the dean and senate leaders, namely the Dean of FVM Udayana, Vice Dean III of FVM Udayana, Supervisor of Minpro P-LO, General Chair of DPM, Chair and Deputy Chair of BEM, General Leader of LPM Suara Satwa, Supervisors from DPM, Head of HRD and Head of Professional Interest in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.In the remarks by several invitees, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University had the same thing in common. He said, "It is my hope that later every student who takes part in this Public Lecture activity will not only expect SKP, but really listen and seriously understand what the presenters say regarding mental health in dogs, which will certainly be of benefit to students." after becoming a veterinarian”.



The event started with an activity report from the committee chairman, then continued with remarks by the Head of Minpro P-LO or a representative. After that the remarks were delivered by the Head of BEM and followed by remarks by the P-LO Minpro Supervisor, and finally the remarks by the Dean of FVM Udayana as well as opening the event. Next is the main event which is the presentation of material by drh. Ulfi Nurul Fadlilah. As for some of the points conveyed by the speaker, namely the understanding of mental health in dogs. Then the relationship between mental health and animal welfare and the five principles of animal freedom. There are three types of stress in dogs, namely fear: external instinct, phobia: making the dog perform certain behaviors such as scratching its ears which, if done excessively, requires treatment, anxiety: anxiety when left by the owner, etc.



After the material presentation session was over, it was followed by a discussion session. In this discussion session the participants were very active in asking the speaker. There are several questions asked, one of which is "How to handle dogs with trauma?". The material presentation session ended with the awarding of certificates and documentation with the participants and speakers. In the next session, it was an ice breaking session, in this session the participants were invited to play games later for the winners of these games will get door prizes in the form of money. The event ran smoothly from start to finish. It was hoped that the students of the Udayana University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine would later become veterinarians who understand and understand mental health disorders in dogs.