National Seminar World Veterinary Day (WVD) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University 2023

On Saturday, April 8 2023, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University held a webinar activity in commemoration of World Veterinary Day. This World Veterinary Day webinar has the theme "Lumpy Skin Disease: A New Threat to Indonesian Cattle and Buffalos". This webinar is held online via Cisco Webex. WVD 2023 webinar activities start at 09.30 WITA until 12.30 WITA.

The purpose of the WVD 2023 Webinar activity is to increase the knowledge of students from outside the FVM or FVM about Lumpy Skin Disease which generally attacks cattle or buffalo. So that later we can increase awareness of the importance of animal welfare.

In the WVD webinar activity, two speakers were presented, namely drh. Tri Komala Sari, M.S., Ph.D. who is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University, and drh. Kadek Ari Sindawati M.Si from the Agriculture and Food Service of the Badung Regency. This webinar was also attended by Dr.drh. Luh Gde Surya Heryani, M.Biomed as Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and at the same time opening the WVD 2023 webinar, drh. Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa, M.Sc as supervisor of WVD 2023 activities, along with Deputy Head of BEM and LPM Animal Sounds at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.




"Thank you to the committee that has prepared the webinar, and thanks to the participants who have participated in this webinar activity in commemoration of World Veterinary Day. Hopefully the other series of events can run smoothly and be successful," said Dr.drh. Luh Gde Surya Heryani, M.Biomed when giving his speech



The first material presentation by drh. Tri Komala Sari, M.S., Ph.D regarding Lumpy Skin Disease, a New Threat to Indonesian Cattle and Buffalos. The webinar participants were very enthusiastic about listening to the material presented, this can be seen from the webinar participants who were very active in the discussion sessions. The committee also provides an ice breaking session, participants who can answer the games in the ice breaking session will get a door prize.



After the ice breaking continued with the presentation of the second material by drh. Kadek Ari Sindawati M.Si regarding Lumpy Skin Disease, a New Threat for Cattle and Buffalo Farmers. "Even though the Lumpy Skin Disease virus doesn't yet exist in Bali, we also have to be on guard so that livestock such as cows and buffalo don't get exposed to the virus," said drh. Kadek Ari Sindawati M.Sc. In this second material presentation session the participants were very interactive during the discussion session. After the end of the second presentation, it was followed by a documentation session, and participants were asked to leave the Webex room

The message and impression from one of the WVD webinar participants was, "The WVD webinar was boring at first, but the ice breaking session was exciting because I won, so this activity must be continued next year. ” said one of the WVD 2023 webinar participants