Judiciary of FH UNUD April 2023 Period Followed by 64 Judges

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - Wednesday (12/04/2023) the April period Yudisium was held by FH UNUD in the FH UNUD Denpasar Campus Hall. This period was attended by 64 graduates with a composition of 54 people from the Bachelor of Law Study Program (S1), 4 people from the Master of Law Study Program (S2) and 6 people from the Doctoral Study Program (S3) of Law. 

The Dean of FH UNUD opened the judiciary for the April 2023 Period which was followed by reading the list of names of the best graduates from the three study programs by the Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs, Planning and Cooperation of FH UNUD. The first best graduate in the Bachelor of Laws Study Program was Ni Made Kintan Prabhasasi, S.H. with honors; Putu Bella Mania Madia, S.H., M.H., with honors from the Master of Laws Study Program and the best graduate from the Doctor of Laws Study Program by Dr. Mochamad Sukedi, S.H., M.H. with honors.

This period of Yudisium presented IGN Kesuma Kelakan, S.T., M.Si, a member of the House of Representatives for the period 2019 - 2024 to give a public lecture which aims to provide motivation, enthusiasm and share experiences to the graduates to take the next level, be it continuing their education to the next level (Masters and Doctoral) or seeking experience in the world of work.