Cooperation with PT. Animalia, FVM Ready to Participate in Animal Health Service Telehealth

Being part of and playing a role in the industrial era 4.0, technology should have developed rapidly in all aspects of life, including in the field of animal health. Many animal-related applications are gaining popularity among animal lovers, Animalia is one of them. Animalia is an application that plays a role in fulfilling and answering all problems related to animal health. Supporting ongoing progress and development, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) accepts with open arms all incoming cooperation related to technology development, especially in terms of animal health and welfare.


On Monday (13/03) socialization was carried out from Animalia in the framework of collaborating with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University (Unud). This socialization was attended by the Dean of FVM Unud, Deputy Dean (WD) III of FVM Unud, Director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) FVM Unud, Richard Nathaniel Chandra as CEO of PT. Animalia, and drh. Farhan Abdul Hasan from Animalia. This meeting was held in the Femoral room on the 4th floor of the FVM Bukit Jimbaran building.


Prof. Dr. Drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si. as the Dean of FVM warmly accepts the collaboration that will be forged. He asked to complete the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or Cooperation Agreement (PKS), and Implementation or Arrangement (IoA) as forms of activity implementation.


Vice Dean III of FVM Unud, Dr. drh. I Wayan Sudira, M.Sc. also welcomes and immediately follows up on documents to complete this collaboration. "We also always want mutually beneficial cooperation between FVM and partners outside the campus," he said in a meeting last Monday (13/03).


During the socialization, Animalia plans to collaborate on animal health consulting services and public education, as well as developing animal health and welfare innovations. In more detail, Animalia plans to carry out online tele-advice consultations with specialist veterinarians at FVM Unud, carry out animal health webinars, then FVM can also publish social media content or publish articles on the Animalia website, and the most interesting is the opportunity for an internship program for FVM students. Unud in the Animalia company studied the telehealth service system and how this plays a role in animal health services. Other development cooperation is in the form of research and innovation related to animal health services according to the needs of FVM Unud.


Also present at this meeting, as the party that will have direct contact with this collaboration, the Director of VTH, Drh. I Putu Gede Yudhi Arjentinia, M.Si, PhD reminds us to always pay attention to the commitments that will be made. "Also make Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in every activity" he ordered at the meeting. We hope that the collaboration that has been established can become an alternative for animal health service convenience, add insight and knowledge to the community in general and to veterinary students in particular.


Author: Regina Laras.