The Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University attended the kick-off event for managing FMD in the province of Bali

Since mid-2022, several regions in Indonesia have started to be infected with foot and mouth disease (FMD). Foot and mouth disease is a strategic disease that is very influential in the world of livestock because it can cause economic losses. Since the outbreak of this disease, the central government and local governments have made various efforts to prevent and control this disease.

As a form of the government's commitment to efforts to control and control Foot and Mouth Disease in Indonesia, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia conducted a kick off for the control and eradication of FMD in 2023 in 29 provinces throughout Indonesia. The opening of the kick-off event for controlling and eradicating PMK for 2023 was cantered on the New District of South Sulawesi which was held on Saturday, January 28 2023. Meanwhile, in 29 provinces the kick-off event was held online (online). Several related officials who attended included the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, the Director Generals of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Head of BNPB, the New Regent, and the South Sulawesi provincial government.

In the Province of Bali, the PMK 2023 prevention and control kick-off event was held in Badung Regency, namely at the Sobangan livestock center online. The event was attended by Deputy Regent of Badung, Head of the Badung Regency Agriculture and Food Service and their staff, Badung District Military Command 1611, Badung Police, Head of the Badung Regency BPBD, Representatives of the Bali Provincial Agriculture Office, Mengwi sub-district, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University, Head of BB Vet Denpasar , Representatives of BPTU HPT Denpasar, Agricultural Quarantine, Representatives of the agriculture service for each district in the province of Bali, Chairman of PDHI Bali, and Chair of GUPBI Bali. The kick-off event for eradicating and controlling FMD in Bali Province began with the second booster vaccination which was carried out at the Sobangan livestock center by the Vaccination Team from the Badung Agriculture and Food Service and representatives from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.

In this event, Deputy Regent of Badung Ketut Suiasa also said that the achievement of PMK vaccination, especially in Badung Regency in the previous year, had reached 97%, exceeding the target of 80%. He also hopes that the PMK vaccination achievement of 97% can also be achieved this year. With high vaccination achievements, Badung Regency is expected to make a positive contribution to the success of the FMD vaccination nationally