Udayana University Village Development Activities 2022, PPK Ormawa HMTI Releases Application and Website for Residents of Celuk Village, Sukawati, Gianyar

Udayana University held a Village Development program for the first time this year. One of the student organizations that took part in this activity was the Information Technology Student Association (HMTI). The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program or often abbreviated as PPK Ormawa carried out by HMTI takes the theme "PESAN-PEDE: Rural Independent Waste Management" in Celuk Village, Sukawati, Gianyar. The presence of HMTI here wants to create an information system based on android applications and websites to help manage waste banks, which were originally still in the form of a ledger, to become a digitalized system.

The Sami Asri BPS application was designed with the aim of helping to realize changes in waste management so as to realize Celuk Village as a pioneer of digital waste homes to minimize waste pollution that often occurs. In addition, it is also hoped that this application can help build a sense of care for environmental cleanliness and independent waste management in Celuk Village. During the four months of the design process and under the guidance of Mr. Anak Agung Ngurah Hary Susila, S.TI., M.MT, the BPS Sami Asri application was successfully released on December 28, 2022. This application presents several features that can help residents to simplify the waste saving process.

The Garbage Deposit feature makes it easier for people to save waste anytime and anywhere without waiting for a schedule as was done before. The Withdrawal Balance feature provides a service for the public to withdraw their balance from the results of their waste savings. The Guide feature is made responsive which allows the public to interact directly with the Waste Bank Staff. This application was officially given to residents of Celuk Village, especially Banjar Cemenggaon on Thursday, December 28 2022 through the Closing Ceremony of PPK Ormawa HMTI. This event was attended by invitations from Celuk Village, Udayana University, and all members of the HMTI Ormawa PPK.

Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Mr. Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M. Kes., M.T. in his remarks said thank you to all PPK Ormawa HMTI members for carrying out this application to support the waste bank process in Celuk Village. Head of BPS Sami Asri, Mr. Wayan Balik Mustiana advised all people to keep protecting nature where we stand. He was also grateful for the presence of PPK Ormawa HMTI students who had helped in their dedication to waste management in Celuk Village. He hopes that in the following year this program can run in the village.

The HMTI Ormawa PPK Closing Activities also held a series of System Outreach to the Community. This activity is carried out with the aim of introducing Applications and Websites along with the procedures for their use. It is hoped that by holding this series of activities, the people of Celuk Village will be able to understand and implement their waste bank activities.