The Faculty of Agriculture of Udayana University Establishes International Cooperation with the College of Agriculture Ibaraki University, and the School of Agriculture Meiji University, Japan

Japan. In order to establish and enhance cooperation with the Colege of Agriculture Ibaraki University (IU), Japan, and the School of Agriculture Meiji University, Japan, the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University carried out a visit to Japan, on 19-24 December 2022. The Unud Faculty of Agriculture team consisted of , Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, Coordinator of Agricultural Biotechnology Masters Program, Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, and Chair of UP3M Dr. I Putu Sudiarta.


On December 20, 2022, the activity begins with a visit to the Lab. Microbial Ecology and accepted by Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Narisawa, continued to Lab. Soil and Environmental Science with Dr. Sakagami Nobuo. On this occasion, the Unud Faculty of Agriculture team met with graduates of the Master of Biotechnology who were pursuing their PhD, namely Citra and Karta in the Lab. Microbial Ecology.


Continuing on December 21, 2022, a formal meeting was held with the dean of the College of Agriculture Ibaraki University Japan, Prof. Yuji Miyaguchi, Ph.D. On this occasion, opportunities for collaboration were discussed in the form of the Cotutelle Program for Master's Degree which will be planned for 2023, where Ibaraki and Unud agreed to establish this collaboration and have been submitted to JASO to receive a scholarship.


On December 22, 2022, a visit was made to the Ami Campus College of Agriculture Ibaraki University Japan experimental garden under Coordinator Prof. Dr. sato. On this occasion, it was explained about the technology of growing melons and strawberries in a greenhouse which is very useful for the development of the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture.


On December 23, 2022 the Unud delegation was received by the Dean of the School of Agriculture Meiji University, who was coordinated by Dr. Fumitaka Shiotsu. The meeting discussed the Joint Study which will be conducted on 3-8 September 2023 in Bali, which will involve 8 undergraduate students together with Udayana University students. Apart from that, Meiji also agreed on Meiji's commitment to support PKKM which would be submitted by the Agroecotechnology S1 study program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University.


"With the visit to Ibaraki University (IU) and Meiji University, 2 activities were obtained that will be planned for 2023 in the form of a Cotutelle Program for Master's Degree between the Agricultural Biotechnology Masters Study Program and The Graduate School of Agriculture Ibaraki University (IU). Meanwhile, with the School of Agriculture Meiji University, Japan in the form of a joint study which will be held December 3-8, 2023, "said the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unud, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana. Prof. further Ustriyana also explained that this visit was also intended to support activities that would be submitted by the Agroecotechnology S1 Study Program in the form of a PKKM proposal regarding the willingness of partners to become experts in the fields of hydroponics, smart farming and biotechnology. (r) Kabar Balihits