The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University has an institutional organization called LMFEB (Student Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business). To elect the chairman of each organization, every year the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University implements a democratic system through the General Election of LMFEB Unud.
General Election of Udayana University LMFEB is a place for students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University to use their right to vote to elect leaders who are deemed appropriate and appropriate. Through the General Election of LMFEB UNUD, all students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University are expected to be able to contribute to upholding democratic parties and increasing student awareness of the importance of voicing aspirations for better leaders.
Not only as a forum for voicing aspirations, the General Election of LMFEB Unud is also a forum for continuing the milestones of the leadership relay in bringing the Student Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University to further develop and increase achievements, both academic and non-academic in bringing the FEB Unud ship. This year, the General Election of LMFEB Udayana University carries the theme "Unify Votes for the sake of One Goal for the Economy."
In sparking quality leaders, a series of activities for the Udayana University LMFEB General Election began with the Fit and Proper Test, Technical Meeting, Independent Campaign, Joint Campaign, Voting, and Vote Counting. The Fit and Proper Test and the Technical Meeting were held on the same day, namely November 11, 2022 which began with the drawing of the fit and proper test serial number and then the test was carried out by panelists from 10 Heads of Institutions within FEB UNUD. After that, it was followed by the Joint Campaign which was held from 25 November 2022 to 26 November 2022 which began with self-promoting for each candidate through a vision and mission statement as well as a question and answer session between panelists-candidates and audience-candidates. The peak of the LMFEB Unud General Election activities, namely the Voting will be held on December 8, 2022 in two locations, namely the TPS on the Jimbaran Campus and the TPS on the Sudirman Campus. And the last series of LMFEB Udayana General Election activities is vote counting for each institution.
This year's General Election of LMFEB Unud succeeded in getting 2,053 votes, with details of DPM receiving 2,053 votes, BEM 2,053 votes, HIMA EP 578 votes, HIMA MJ 673 votes, HIMA AK 621 votes, and HIMADI 181 votes. From the vote count, the elected chairman was obtained from each institution with the following details.
-Student Representative Council : I Made Kelvin Indra Setiawan?
- Student Executive Board : Anak Agung Bagus Ngurah Nararya Nata
- HIMA Development Economics : I Gusti Agung Ngurah Gede Satria Utama
- HIMA Management : I Gede Candra Darma Saputra
- HIMA Accounting : I Nyoman Gede Berata Suteja
- Himadi : I Putu Agus Satria Harri Putra