Workshop on Strengthening the Neurosurgery Specialist Study Program's Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy, and Curriculum, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

The Neurosurgery Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a hybrid Workshop on Consolidating Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy and Curriculum with the main location point being in Dr. A.A Made Djelantik FK Unud. (15/12/2022).

The purpose of holding this workshop is to discuss and design a new vision, mission, goals and strategies as well as curriculum for the Neurosurgery Specialist Medical Education Program, FK UNUD. This workshop was divided into two sessions, the first session presented a guest speaker, dr. I Made Winarsa Ruma, S.Ked, PhD, and moderated by Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Maliawan, Sp. BS(K), while the second session presented Dr. dr. Setyo Widi Nugroho, Sp. BS(K)., Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Maliawan, SpBS(K), and moderated by Dr. dr. I Wayan Niryana, Sp. BS(K).

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya. Sp. OT(K) who was present directly to open the event in his remarks expressed his appreciation for the Neurosurgery Specialist Study Program which is very active in carrying out community service and is very quick to take input from the Assessor team, namely improving the curriculum so that in preparation for future accreditation you will get the desired results namely Superior.

 "Our hope is that in the future the Neurosurgery Specialist Study Program will become a target to increase the quota of student admission according to the SKB of the two Ministries to fulfill services in Indonesia without reducing the quality of graduates," he added.

This event was also attended by the Acting Head of the Denpasar City Health Service, Chair of the Indonesian Collegium of Neurosurgery, Chair of the MPPK IDI for the Bali Region, Main Director of RSUP Prof. Dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah, Plt. Director of the Udayana University PTN Hospital, Director of the NTB Provincial Hospital, and Director of the Tabanan Regional General Hospital.