Digitalization of the Garbage Bank BuDosCan at TPS3R in Sidakarya Village, Denpasar

Taking place at TPS3R, Sidakarya Village, the Sidakarya Village Government together with BumDes Sari Amerta Sudha, in collaboration with Sangkara, who is a tenant assisted by the Udayana University Business Incubator, carried out a grand lauching of Digitalization and operational implementation of the Garbage Bank. Attended by representatives from DLHK City of Denpasar, Disdikpora of Dempasar City, South Denpasar District Head, Perbekel and BPD staff of Sidakarya Village and other parties such as the BumDes Forum throughout Denpasar City, Head of Udayana University Inbis, STMIK Primakara Inbis, as well as all Sidakarya Elementary School Principals and the Team Sidakarya Village PKK activist. According to the Head of Inbis Udayana University, Dr. drh. Urged Dewi Indira Laksmi One of the efforts to downstream lecturer research is that the products produced can be applied and implemented in society. The challenge in waste management efforts is the availability of land. With the 3R TPS in Sidakarya Village, organic and inorganic waste management can be done digitally in their respective environments". Regarding the facilitators in the industrial world 4.0, they are better known as enablers. The forms of digital waste bank enabler services provided are:

1. Innovation in operational management and waste bank customers using digital applications

2. Services for transporting and purchasing organic waste from waste bank services

3. Sales of processed waste products and waste processing equipment.

The next work program is that Inbis UNUD in collaboration with will facilitate the implementation of the Digitalization of the Campus Waste Bank in collaboration with Waste Research Lecturer and manager of the "BuDosCan" Campus Waste Bank Ni Wayan Sri Sutari, to address various waste problems, especially plastic waste. In accordance with Governor Regulation No. 47 of 2019 concerning Source-based Waste Management, it is hoped that Udayana University through the Campus Waste Bank and supported by all academics will be able to create a clean and healthy campus.