The Dean of FTP, Udayana University Released 46 Prospective Graduates

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology held a graduation event or Release of Graduate Candidate Impressions (LKCW) which was attended by 46 prospective graduates on Thursday, 1st  December 2022 in the Meeting Room of the Udayana University Library Building. The prospective graduates consisted of 2 students from the Food Technology Masters Study Program, 8 people from the Food Technology Undergraduate Study Program, 24 people from the Agroindustrial Technology Undergraduate Study Program and 12 people from the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Program.


The LKCW activity was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Coordinator of the Environmental Study Program at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Chair of the Senate and Chair of the Ikayana Faculty of Agricultural Technology. The event began with a report from the Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs, Ms. Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., M.P., who reported the number of prospective graduates from each study program. The event continued with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. in his remarks the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology congratulated all prospective graduates who had struggled and completed their studies at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University.


In addition, the Dean also advised that prospective graduates who will be graduated make good use of the knowledge gained while studying in college. So that they can contribute significantly to society for the betterment of the nation. In addition, as alumni, they are encouraged to always maintain the good name of the alma mater of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. At the LKCW event, awards were also given to prospective graduates with the title of best graduate, fastest graduate and youngest graduate from each study program.