Udayana University Faculty of Engineering Holds the 151st Judiciary

The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held its 151st graduation on Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Located at the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Jimbaran Campus, this graduation activity was held to release 93 prospective graduates. Just like in previous years, this graduation activity has the theme "Improving Entrepreneurial Spirit" where this theme has the meaning that in the world of work it is expected that every prospective graduate has an entrepreneurial spirit, namely having an entrepreneurial spirit that is not only disciplined, but also has the courage to speak and be able to convey something well.



This Yudisium took place offline but was still quite limited because it was carried out during a pandemic. However, prospective graduates continue to comply with health protocols independently. The number of prospective graduates participating in this graduation has increased with very high GPA scores. This is because each graduation period has a participant limit, in which every participant who has completed a Graduation Certificate (SKL) can be sure that the prospective graduate will attend the graduation. This cum laude graduate in the 151st period of graduation was achieved by Dr. Ir. Putu Doddy Heka Ardana, S.T., M.T., IPM from the Doctor of Engineering Study Program, and 4 people from the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, namely I Kadek Ari Wijaya, S.T., Gede Pudja Dianda Mayapada, S.T., Bradley Axelius, S.T., and Dewa Gde Santa Semaralawa, S.T.




The 151st Yudisium was attended not only by prospective graduates and parents of prospective graduates. The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University invited the Faculty of Engineering Senate, Chair of the Faculty of Engineering Alumni, Chair of the Study Program, Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, and student representatives. This Yudisium also invited speakers Ir. Ni Rai Aryawati, ST.MPM who is an alumni of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.