Implementation of Basic Student Management Leadership Training (LKMM-TD) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2022

Implementation of Basic Student Management Leadership Training (LKMM-TD) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2022

Sunday, November 6, 2022, basic training activities for student leadership from the Mathematics and Natural Sciences faculty, known as LKMM-TD FMIPA, were held in Nusantara Room, Agrokomplek Building, Udayana University, starting at 08.00 WITA. LKMM-TD organized by BEM FMIPA is an activity that will help students to develop, especially in the field of organizational management and leadership. In order to achieve these goals, several activities were carried out, such as mentoring on the administrative flow of work program implementation at FMIPA, seminars on materials related to self-development, both soft skills and hard skills, and assignment of case studies related to real problems in the FMIPA environment.

This training activity provides several facilities such as expert speakers who bring material on leadership, cooperation, creativity, innovation power, and broad insight, as well as being assisted by facilitators in the management of a committee activity. This activity was held offline and opened directly by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D, by giving a speech and beating the gong as a symbol of the opening. Through this activity, students, especially new students, are expected to understand and gain a lot of knowledge about the administration of implementing work programs at FMIPA, have the ability to work in teams, and be able to systematically solve real problems that occur in the FMIPA environment.