The Main Event of PKMM 2022, FVM Unud Presents the Grandson of Ki Hajar Dewantara and the General Leader of the 2021 Academic Press.

The main event of the Student Leadership and Management Training (PKMM) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University (Unud) was held on Sunday (23/10). The activity began with the collection of new students (maba) since 06.30 WITA.


After collecting freshmen, the activity continued with order and speeches from each group. From the performance of this oration, the winner of the best oration group was won by group 2 of PKMM 2022. In their oration group 2 stated that leaders must have a responsible nature in order to lead themselves and others.


After giving the oration, at 09.05 WITA the event was continued with an official opening by the Deputy Dean 3 for Student Affairs FVM Unud, namely drh. I Wayan Sudira, M.Si. He revealed that the participants had to take part in this PKMM activity as well as possible in order to implement the knowledge gained from participating in PKMM activities.



This 2022 PKMM activity presents two speakers from different generations who can open our minds about the figure of a leader and how to manage ourselves.


The first speaker was a lecturer at UIN Yogyakarta and the grandson of Ki Hajar Dewantara, Ki Nanang Rekto Wulanjaya. He revealed that a good leader is a leader who is loved and becomes a servant to the children he leads. This also got applause from the 2022 PKMM participants who had the same opinion. 


"The key to leadership is being trusted. By always being present and providing motivation, people will believe in their leaders because it means the leader thinks about those being led," said Wayan Bagus Perana Sanjaya when delivering his second presentation that afternoon. According to Bagus Rolea, related matters are one of the important points that must be implemented by a leader. He also distributed books by the Academic Press to participants who actively asked and answered questions during the discussion session.


After the presentations from the two main speakers of PKMM 2022, the activity continued with lunch and also debate activities between groups. This debate activity also invited debate judges who are experts in their fields, one of which was the PKMM speaker during the briefing last time.

The activity was closed with the announcement of the debate champion and best speaker from the 2022 PKMM Indonesian Language Debate Competition.


Author: Lefira