National Seminar on Sociology 6.0 : Social Dimension of Digital Technology

The Sociology Student Association, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University held a national seminar on Sunday, October 23, 2022 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Udayana Campus, Bukit Jimbaran. This seminar was held on a national scale with the theme 'Social Dimensions of Digital Technology', which was opened directly by the dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, namely Drs. I Nengah Punia, M. Si. represented by deputy dean 3, namely I Made Anom Wiranata, S.IP., M.A. And attended by the ranks of lecturers in the scope of the Sociology Study Program. The presentation of the material was moderated by Ni Made Bulan Cantika Maharani as Jegeg Fisip 2021 and Kadek Cyntia Cahya Wirayani as a student of the Sociology study program in 2021, and invited two speakers, namely Ir. I Made Jarta, M.M as the head of the Bali Province Trade & Industry Office, represented by his secretary I Nyoman Putra Astawa, S.E, M. Si and the second speaker, I Komang Triska Ananda Dilvianugraha Priantara, a millennial entrepreneur and social activist.

The material presented by the first speaker took the topic of Bali's digital economy, where the speaker explained about industrial sector policies which contained the implementation of the Bali Rise Exhibition, facilitation of industrial facilities and infrastructure, dissemination of packaging to SMEs, product design development and packaging with Balinese branding, and so on. . Then, the speaker also explained 5 priority areas of Bali's development, as well as the economic principle of 'Kerthi Bali'.

In the second speaker, the material presented was about strategic to creating a digital business in the dimension of social technology, which is currently being said that the world is preparing the industrial era 4.0 towards society 5.0. It also explains what an entrepreneur is. The speaker also explained his experience in the agricultural aspect, namely by making food, then also agriculture broadly including food crops, plantations, fisheries and so on. In addition, the speaker also shared tips on the points of success in business, namely time, team/execution, business models, 'truth' outlier ideas, and funding.