Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Udayana Lepas 54 Calon Wisudawan, Prodi Pengelolaan Perhotelan Mendominasi

JIMBARAN, EDITORIAL TEAM- The Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University released 54 prospective graduates at the 115th Judiciary in A. Manuaba Hall, Faculty of Tourism Campus, Bukit Jimbaran, Wednesday (12/10). This year's Yudisium was attended by 54 graduates, namely 33 women and 21 men, with details of 2 graduates from the Tourism Doctoral Study Program; 4 graduates from the Tourism Masters Study Program; 8 graduates from the Tourism Undergraduate Study Program; 14 graduates from the Travel Industry Study Program; and 26 graduates from the Hospitality Management Applied Undergraduate Study Program.

The best graduates in this period were Pande Putu Wulandari, S.Tr.Par., M.Par. with a GPA of 4.00 from the Master of Tourism Study Program. Pande expressed his gratitude for this achievement.

“I feel grateful, proud, happy, and sad at the same time because I have to part with the lecturers who have been instrumental in guiding the students. At the same time, I also feel very grateful for the guidance given by the lecturers for the knowledge provided during the lecture process at the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University.” Pande said.

Pande hopes that the Faculty of Tourism can continue to produce quality human resources and its alumni can apply the knowledge gained from lectures to the community. "I hope that in the future, quality human resources in the tourism sector can continue to grow. At the same time, I also hope that in the future, the graduates will be able to carry out their duties and apply the knowledge they have acquired to the community,” he added.

This time, the Yudisium looked different, because it was also attended by Lecturer of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences from Gadjah Mada University, Prof. Dr. Janianton Damanik, M. Si. In his speech, Prof. Damanik shared insights related to tourism and motivated the graduates to stay enthusiastic and diligent in working and studying in the tourism sector, because tourism will not stop and will continue to grow. (IS)