HMPS STPP FPAR Berbagi Kebahagian dengan Anak-Anak Panti Asuhan

DENPASAR, EDITORIAL TEAM – The Hospitality Management Applied Undergraduate Study Program (HMPS STPP) Faculty of Tourism Unud visited the Dream Orphanage in East Denpasar, Saturday (8/10) yesterday. The visit, which carries the theme Sharing Happiness in Simplicity, is a HMPS STPP Social Service program, which is routinely carried out every year.

This activity began with an opening in the form of remarks and cutting of the cone by the Koprodi Bachelor of Applied Hospitality Management, Dr. Ni Putu Ratna Sari, SST. Par., M. Par. Then, the event continued with games session with the children, sharing session, delivery of basic necessities, and ended with a group photo session.

Chairman of the Committee, Atan said that the implementation of this activity is expected to foster empathy among students to be sensitive and care about the surrounding environment.

“I hope this activity can be useful for the friends of the orphanage we visited. In addition, I hope this activity can motivate new students to share and have a sense of caring for the surrounding community. Because students are the hope of the nation in fostering a sense of care and the emergence of a positive impact in society," he said.

In addition to the STPP Koprodi, this activity was also attended by lecturers and representatives of a number of organizations within the Faculty of Tourism as well as a number of students.