Embrace Management Training. Student, FVM UNUD Held PKMM Year of 2022


Leadership and Management Training of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) of Udayana University (Unud) is one of the mandatory activities for new students which this year was held on Saturday (08/10).


This activity aims to train new students to be able to apply good leadership and management characters for themselves.

"To apply the character of a leader in ourselves. Also, teach how to think logically and critically," said Alvin Limanto as Chair of the PKMM Activity Committee when giving the committee report.



The activity which was held on Saturday (8/10) was attended by the deputy dean 3 (WD 3) of FKH Unud, the student senate of FKH Unud, and 167 new and old student participants of FKH Unud. At 07.00 WITA, the activity began with controlling and checking attributes on the front page of FKH Unud and continued to other formal activities in the Hall of the Faculty of Medicine (FKH) Unud.


Then, the activity began with the opening, reading prayers, singing Indonesia Raya, and welcoming remarks. The event was officially opened by Dr. Dr. I Wayan Sudira, M.Si as WD 3 FKH Unud. Deputy dean 3 advised all PKMM 2022 participants to take part in activities well so that all participants know how to behave and behave towards others. Also, knowing how to manage and lead yourself after participating in this PKMM activity.



After the event was officially opened, it was continued with the presentation of the first material regarding the flow of student aspirations delivered by I Gusti Nyoman Redi Citragatra as Chair of the Student Representative Council (DPM) of the Faculty of Law (FH). He revealed that expressing aspirations can be started from small things as simple as voicing a wish to parents in everyday matters.


The event continued with the screening of a video featuring PKMM 2022 figures, then the presentation of the second material on how to debate properly and correctly was presented by Joshua Amadeo Enzo Rivaldo Karouw, one of the debaters from Unud. He explained about the system and the role or duties of each speaker in the debate.



Not only giving material, he also held a debate simulation with the motion "This Court Approves the Implementation of Sex Education for Early Ages". Both presentations went smoothly and were interesting because of the active participation of the participants in discussing and providing feedback.


The activity ended with eating together and delivering information on the peak day which will be held on Sunday (23/10).


Author: Lefira