Seminar Kewirausahaan FVM 2022 Entrepreneur is the Future: Let’s Build Your Own Startup from Your Idea as Dreams Come True



Student Executive Board (SEB) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana (FVM Unud) held a National Seminar on Entrepreneurship with the theme “Entrepreneur is the Future: Let's Build Your Own Startup From Your Idea As A Dream Come True” on Sunday, 2 October 2022 in the 1st Floor Meeting Room of the Sudirman FKH Building which invited Dr. Ida Bagus Sastrawan Mananda, SST. Par., M.M., M.Par and Drh. I Wayan Yustisia Samarariana, S.KH., M.Si as the speaker.



"I am very happy because this activity has a positive activity which will be very useful for the students in the future" was the speech of the Vice Dean 3, Dr. Drh. I Wayan Sudira, M.Sc. with his hope, "I as Vice dean 3 are very responsible to the studentss and I will always not let my students be confused. Please, if you are confused, come to my room, you can text me any time if it is related to student affairs” which at the same time opened the FKH 2022 enterpreneur National Seminar.

The FVM National Seminar is one of the annual SEB activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. This activity invites Dr. I Gusti Putu Bagus Sasrawan Mananda, SST. Par., M.M., M. Par who is a lecturer as well as entrepreneurship tutor, owner of Arak Whiskey, also owner of several Platforms and Private Villas in Ubud as well as Co Owner of Bharata Sport and Fashion. He brought the theme "Understanding The Basic of Entrepreneurship" which explained the important points of being an entrepreneur, sharing experiences and explaining how problems can be an opportunity for business. The ultimate goal of becoming an entrepreneur is to get financial freedom and time freedom. The best business is business started, not just the business that is thought of..




The second speaker with the theme "Bring your entrepreneurship ideas into reality" was delivered by Drh. I Wayan Semarariana, S. KH., M. Si., is the administrator of ADHNAI (Flying Vet) and chairman of Ikayana Vet FVM Unud as well as the Founder of Pramisemara Group, he also received the 2017 Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award and the Youth Pioneer in the Environment with the Eka Youth Organization Canthi 2014. He explained how to start a business starting from time management, advance time management and complex management by preparing cashflow, investment and commitment. He also provides several financial posts that can be done as well as Canva's Business Model along with a brief explanation. This Business Model Canvas is then done by all participants in the group to be collected and is expected to encourage business ideas from students and facilitate their implementation..

Impressions and messages The entrepreneurship seminar held by SEB FVM UNUD has gone well and smoothly. “My impression of this activity is very good because in this activity we are taught what entrepreneurship is and tips for starting entrepreneurship. In addition, the experiences of the speakers were very motivating and provided many lessons for us to dare to start something. I hope that the next entrepreneurship seminar activity can survive well and be able to provide benefits for the participants,” said one participant of the entrepreneurship seminar. It is in accordance with the output after studying the bussiness model canvas, students will get  a clear and orderly picture of the entrepreneurial ideas that students  have so that entrepreneurship goals will be achieved..