FIBAA FH UNUD International Accreditation Team Participates in Self Evaluation Report Preparation Workshop


Monday, 26 September 2022 FIB FH Unud International Accreditation Team participated in Self Evaluation Report (SER) Document Preparation Workshop organized by the Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) Unud at the Postgraduate Hall Unud Denpasar. The workshop was opened directly by the Deputy Chancellor I of Unud for Academic Affairs, attended by the Chair and Secretary of LP3M Unud, Chair of the Committee, Deans, Koprodi, UP3M Coordinators, Task Force Teams within Unud whose study programs participated in FIBAA International Accreditation. In the first session, the material was given by a resource person from Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr. Ing. Herman Parung, M.Eng who explained about several important things to conduct an Internal Review of the SER Document, such as leadership support; university, faculty and study program documents; commitment of stakeholders, benchmarking and mentoring from universities that have received FIBAA international accreditation. The draft SER FH and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Unud were reviewed chapter by chapter in accordance with FIBAA guidelines. The resource persons in the second session were Lecturers from the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. He gave many inputs to improve the draft of the SER, such as the fulfillment of the asterisk criterion, elements of internationalization, lecturer qualifications, improvement of teaching skills, updating the website and supporting evidence that must be attached. The international accreditation team of FIBAA FH Unud who was present (Koprodi S2 MIH, UP3M Coordinator, Head of the Legal Sciences S1 Task Force, Chair and Members of the MIH Masters Task Force and Members of the Legal S3 Task Force) welcomed the review from the resource persons and committed to perfecting the draft SER according to FIBAA guidelines. (UPIKS&IT FH Unud Team)