PIAAM XXII was held at the Unud Medical Faculty and the Indonesian Anti-Aging Medicine Study Center.

Unud Medical Faculty and Indonesian Anti-Aging Medicine Study Center Held PIAAM XXII

The Indonesian Anti-Aging Medicine Study Center (INCAAM) together with the Department of Andrology and Sexology, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK UNUD) held an Intensive Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine (PIAAM) training for the basic level of class XXII on 18-21 September 2022 which took place at Prime Sanur Plaza.

This PIAAM event was opened by the Dean of Unud Medical Faculty, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes. In his speech, the Dean conveyed a good message regarding the scientific development of Anti-Aging Medicine, especially in Indonesia and hoped that the PIAAM implementation could be sustainable. He also appreciated the efforts and enthusiasm of INCAAM and UNUD Medical Faculty staff who were involved, especially those led by Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And (KSAAM).

PIAAM XXII training takes place offline and is expected to run successfully. The participants were 21 doctors from all over Indonesia who will fully participate in all sessions from lectures to workshops.

The speakers who attended and provided material during PIAAM XXII this time, were Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And (KSAAM)., Prof. Dr. dr. J. Alex Pangkahila, M.Sc., Sp.And (KSAAM)., Prof. Dr. dr. AAG Budiartha, Sp.PD-KEMD., Prof. dr. IGP Aman, Sp.FK, Prof. Dr. dr. I Wayan Weta, M.S., Sp.GK., Dr. dr. AAGP Wiraguna, Sp.KK(K), Dr. dr. IGA Praharsini, Sp.KK(K), dr. Rosalina Silvia Dewi, M. Biomed (AAM), and dr. Erivia Pangkahila, M. Biomed, Sp. KK

The Indonesian Anti-Aging Medicine Study Center (INCAAM) together with the Department of Andrology and Sexology, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK UNUD) held an Intensive Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine (PIAAM) training for the basic level of class XXII on 18-21 September 2022 which took place at Prime Sanur Plaza.

This PIAAM event was opened by the Dean of Unud Medical Faculty, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes. In his speech, the Dean conveyed a good message regarding the scientific development of Anti-Aging Medicine, especially in Indonesia and hoped that the PIAAM implementation could be sustainable. He also appreciated the efforts and enthusiasm of INCAAM and UNUD Medical Faculty staff who were involved, especially those led by Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And (KSAAM).

PIAAM XXII training takes place offline and is expected to run successfully. The participants were 21 doctors from all over Indonesia who will fully participate in all sessions from lectures to workshops.

The speakers who attended and provided material during PIAAM XXII this time, were Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And (KSAAM)., Prof. Dr. dr. J. Alex Pangkahila, M.Sc., Sp.And (KSAAM)., Prof. Dr. dr. AAG Budiartha, Sp.PD-KEMD., Prof. dr. IGP Aman, Sp.FK, Prof. Dr. dr. I Wayan Weta, M.S., Sp.GK., Dr. dr. AAGP Wiraguna, Sp.KK(K), Dr. dr. IGA Praharsini, Sp.KK(K), dr. Rosalina Silvia Dewi, M. Biomed (AAM), and dr. Erivia Pangkahila, M. Biomed, Sp. KK