Visit for the Inauguration of the Internal Medicine Subspecialist Study Program

Visitation for the Opening of the Internal Medicine Subspecialist Study Program

In order to develop science in the field of internal medicine, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University received a visitation from the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) a series of proposals for the opening of the Internal Medicine Subspecialist Study Program located in Dr A A Made Djelantik's room, FK Building, Denpasar. (13/9/2022)

The visitation will be held for 5 days on 13 to 17 September 2022 with 3 visitation teams, namely:
1. Dr. dr. Putu Moda Arsana, Sp.PD-KEMD., FINASIM (Chairman of the Indonesian Medical Council)
2. Prof. Dr. dr. Bachtiar, Sp.Rad(K) (Head of the Medical Council Professional Education Standards Division)
3. dr. Mariatul Fadilah, MARS., Sp.KKLP., Ph.D., (Division of Medical Council Professional Education Standards)

The 5-day visitation agenda will be filled with document verification activities and visits to review the facilities and infrastructure of each specialization in the Internal Medicine Subspecialist Study Program.

The event began with remarks from the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU., who conveyed about the quality improvement process and progress being made by Udayana University including 64% of the study programs at Udayana University that have been accredited A (very good) and excellent, and almost 100 % management of the Tridharma of Higher Education has been held online; transformation of the library into an e-library, subscription to Science Direct, and the appointment of the Unud Hospital as a referral hospital for the implementation of the G20 in Bali.

Furthermore, the Chancellor expressed his hope that the formation of this sub-specialist study program would receive the green light and be established soon.

"Hopefully the visitation team will provide the best for the Faculty of Medicine and the Internal Medicine Sub-specialist Study Program, it is hoped that the sub-specialist study program that will be formed will be inaugurated soon," said Prof. Between.

Followed by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who expressed his appreciation for the support from the Chancellor and the professors for the establishment of a sub-specialist study program.

The Dean further explained that the establishment of this subspecialty was an effort of the Faculty of Medicine to answer various challenges in the future and hoped that the establishment of this subspecialty study program could be realized.

"Hopefully the results of this visitation can provide a green light for the establishment of a sub-specialist program, we hope that the KKI Team will provide a lot of input so that the ideals for the establishment of a sub-specialist program can be realized," he said.

Chairman of the KKI, Dr. Putu Moda stated firmly that Unud must be a leader with learning technology so as not to lose to compete with foreign parties.

"We from KKI are ready to support Udayana University which will establish a sub-specialist study program, but of course we only support universities that do have the competence to compete so as not to lose to foreign parties. right in front of my eyes," he said.

This activity was also attended by the President Director of RSUP Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Head of LP3M, Head of LP2M, Head of USDI Udayana University, Head of UPT Library, Director of Medical and Nursing Services at Udayana University Hospital, Director of RSGM Udayana University, Chair of the Senate of FK Unud, Deputy Deans of FK Unud, Study Program Coordinators, Heads of Departments , Unit Coordinators, as well as lecturers at the Department of Internal Medicine, FK Unud.