FKH UNUD Introduces Veterinary Profession to New Students Through Field Trip Sharing Session 2022


Denpasar, LPM SS- Saturday (10/09/22), the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University held a Field Trip Sharing Session which is one of a series of Field Trip which carries the theme "Citraloka Anagata Sahwahita". This activity took place from 08.30–14.00 WITA in the Meeting Hall of the Study of Agricultural Technology Center, Denpasar. In accordance with the chosen theme, this Field Trip activity was carried out with the aim to record the journey of new students in determining their choice of the desired profession. The  Field Trip Sharing Session 2022 event was attended by 157 freshmen and three old students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. 
The activity began with an opening by the Master of Ceremony, followed by prayer readings, singing the Indonesia Raya anthem and welcome remarks. The first agenda is a report from the Head of the 2022 Field Trip Committee, Lefira, followed by remarks from the Chair of the BEM FVM Udayana University, remarks from the supervisor of the 2022 Field Trip activity, drh. I Made Merdana, MP, and remarks from the Cive Dean III of Udayana University FVM who also opened the activity.
The event continued with material and discussion sessions moderated by Rini Asmayawati and Ni Komang Dyah Purnamasari with speakers from PT Charoen Pokphand, Mr. I Nengah Suardana, as the team leader who talked about the history of Charoen Pokphand. Followed by a member of his team, Mr. I Gede Made Sudarsa, talked about entrepreneurship. Then another team member, Mr. I Gede Gelgel Saniyasa, talked about Pullet and Male. Ended by Mr. I Putu Darmayasa who delivered material about pigs and Mrs. Ni Putu Lestari who talked about broilers. After delivering the material for approximately 120 minutes, the event continued with a discussion session. Participants seemed enthusiastic enough to ask questions about the material that had been presented by the speakers.
The material and discussion session closed with the reading of the minutes by the moderator, the presentation of certificates to the speakers, and a documentation session with all participants of the 2022 Field Trip Sharing Session. To further lighten the mood, the event continued with a game session which was guided by Andhika Putra and Yan Agus. The winners will be given prizes by the committee at the peak of the Field Trip event on September 17, 2022.
The Field Trip Sharing Session 2022 event continued with Luh Gede Winda Maheswari, S.KH, who shared her internship experience at PT Charoen Pokphand, moderated by Nanda Oktafia. The event ended with the delivery of information, discussion of luggage, and assignments to the participants of the 2022 Field Trip.
This event had run quite smoothly from the opening to the end of the event. It is hoped that by holding the 2022 Field Trip Sharing Session, participants will gain useful knowledge now or in the future. 
Author: Rizky