Expanding Relations and Cooperation, FTP Udayana Signs a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with Kaori Group

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology has signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with Kaori Group regarding the Implementation of Internships, Field Work Practices (PKL) and MBKM Internships (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) which will later be implemented by students from all study programs in the FTP Unud, namely Food Technology Study Program, Agroindustrial Technology Study Program and Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program. The Cooperation Agreement was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D., represented by the Coordinator of UPIKs FTP Unud, namely Dr. Dewa Ayu Anom Yuarinim, S.TP., M.Agb. with Ni Kadek Winie Kaori I.M., S.E., M.M., Head of Kaori Group Bali.


Kaori Group is one of the local Balinese companies that is present in the midst of Balinese society to realize Balinese products that can be worldwide with high competitiveness in the era of globalization. Carrying a mission to involve community components so that they can play an active role in using local products and love domestic production which is certainly not inferior to foreign products, it is hoped that this can help the economic cycle in our own society. Born from a small activity in the garage of a house that was used to learn to make Dupa, now Kaori Group has developed into a company that has diversified product services for the community. With the motto Love Trust and care which seeks to create a synergy between production, distributors and customers as a sustainable series. Some of the products produced by the Kaori Group besides Dupa are Mineral Water, Coffee, Parfume, Soap, Kele Honey, Face Sanitizer, fresh care, healthy kaori oil, several machines and equipment as well as some fashion made from endek which is a local Balinese fabric.


Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir, I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc.,Ph.D. welcomes the collaboration between FTP Udayana and Kaori Group. He also thanked and hoped that later students from FTP Udayana who had the opportunity to carry out the Internship, Field Work Practice (PKL) and MBKM Internship programs would get a good experience and be able to compare the existing practice in a company with the theory obtained in campus. He also hopes that this collaboration can be continued and developed, in addition to cooperation in the field of education by accepting students in the Internship, Field Work Practice (PKL) and MBKM, cooperation in the field of Research and Community Service can also be carried out.