The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University with PT Nicslab Global Industri and the Bali Provincial Government (Bali Provincial Research and Innovation Agency) regarding the imp

The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University with PT Nicslab Global Industri and the Bali Provincial Government (Bali Provincial Research and Innovation Agency) regarding the implementation of Balinese script keyboard production.

The signing was held in the Meeting Room of the Head of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of Bali Province. Friday, September 2, 2022 at 10:00 am.

The signing was carried out by the Head of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of the Province of Bali (I Made Gunaja), the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Udayana University (Ni Luh Watiniasih), PT Nicslab Global Industri (Joddy Tjakrawinata) and was attended by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Province of Bali, the President Director of the Regional Public Company of the Province of Bali, the Head of the Bureau of Government and People's Welfare of the Bali Provincial Secretariat, the Head of the Education, Youth and Sports Office of the Province of Bali, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, S.T., M.M., Ph.D, Secretary and Para Head of Regional Research and Innovation Agency of Bali Province, Young Expert Policy Analyst/Sub Coordinator of Government Substance Unit, Policy Analyst Junior Expert/Sub Coordinator of Village Government Substance Unit, Policy Analyst Young Expert/Sub Coordinator of Data Substance Unit and Regulatory Studies, Policy Analyst Young Expert/Sub Coordinator of Intermediation, Diffusion, Commercial KI, FMIPA UNUD Team.

Speech by the Head of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of Bali Province (I Made Gunaja). Gunaja thanked the dean of FMIPA UNUD and the team, PT Nicslab Global Industri, the local government, and all those present. hopefully in the future there will be another reset that will grow again. So that it is downstream, hopefully this collaboration can continue to be born. This is the first signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS), hopefully there will be more downstreaming of inventions. One of the hopes for the future, as the vision of the governor of Bali (I Wayan Koster), is to balance the natural structure and language of the Balinese script. We really need to preserve Bali, especially the Balinese language and script. The hope of the governor of Bali is to print at least 5,000 Balinese script keyboards. As the Governor of Bali often said, "Good intentions, good roads and good results".

Speech by the Dean of FMIPA UNUD (Ni Luh Watiniasih) Watiniasih expressed her gratitude that finally the work of FMIPA UNUD has been legally collaborating with PT Nicslab Global Industri and was facilitated by the governor of Bali through the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of the Province of Bali. This is a moment that she is very proud of, watiniasih also thanks all of you, because they have facilitated us for downstreaming. FMIPA UNUD will continue to work for this downstream. Hopefully this work can be useful for all people.

The signing of this Cooperation Agreement will end with the Giving of Souvenirs and Group Photos.