Physiotherapy Undergraduate Program and Physiotherapy Profession Host Guest Lecture on

The Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and Physiotherapy Profession held a hybrid Guest Lecture with the main location point in the Prof. Room. dr. I G N G Ngoerah, FK Building, Denpasar. (29/8/2022) This event presented guest lecturers from France, namely Adrien Pallot, PT., MSc, guided by the moderator, namely Gede Parta Kinandana, S.Ft., M.Fis., who discussed "Evidenve-Based practice in physiotherapy" The event began with remarks and opening remarks by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K) representing the Dean, in his speech he expressed his hope that this guest lecture event could help improve knowledge, curriculum and teaching systems at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, especially in the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and the Physiotherapy Profession. According to the Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and the Physiotherapy Profession, Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, S.Ked., M.Kes., the purpose of this event is to increase the knowledge of students and physiotherapy practitioners about evidence-based practice to improve the quality of student learning outcomes and practice in clinics and hospitals. The participants of this event came from the lecturers and students of the Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Profession Undergraduate Study Program, totaling 340 people.