Students of Udayana University Community Service Program Conduct Socialization and Disinfection on Livestock Animals from Mengani Villagers to Anticipate Foot and Mouth Diseases (FMD)


Mengani – Mengani Village Community Service (KKN) Students conducted door-to-door Counseling on Foot and Mouth Diseases. This activity was coordinated by one of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine students namely I Made Anom Suryaningrat and the Head of Production Improvement Division, Dewi Siallagan, as well as other members of the Mengani Village Community Service Program on Tuesday (16/08) in the Mengani Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. The implementation of the work program was supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food Security and Fisheries of Bangli Regency, West Kintamani BPP, and Mengani Village PPL who contributed to providing assistance in the form of disinfectant for spraying activities to prevent the spread of the FMD virus in Mengani Village.

Besides socialization, KKN students from Udayana University also sprayed disinfectant on several cages and collected data on livestock owned by residents. There were 115 livestock that were sprayed with a total of 39 families. Meanwhile, for residents who have livestock cages far from home, KKN students only provide 5 bottle caps of disinfectant liquid where 1 bottle cap can be mixed with 5 liters of water. This spraying serves to prevent the entry of the virus into livestock and sterilize the cage.




Socialization activities, livestock data collection and spraying of disinfectants carried out will later be useful to prevent the spread of the FMD virus in livestock. In addition, education about the symptoms and dangers of FMD was given to Mengani Village residents so that the community was educated and alert about the dangers of FMD in livestock.

Putu Candra Daniswara Irawan as the Village Coordinator revealed that this year was the first year KKN participated in handling the FMD outbreak because it was recommended by the university.

A positive response also came from I Ketut Armawan as the Chief Village of Mengani Village who welcomed this program and supported all efforts to prevent FMD even though in Mengani Village there had never been a FMD case. "We welcome this program and so far, it supports all forms of activities carried out by students as long as they have positive implications for the welfare of the residents," he concluded.