KKN PPM XXV Udayana University 2022 Provides FMD (Foot & Mouth Disease) Counseling in Getasan Village, Badung Regency


Getasan – The main work program of the Getasan Village Community Service Program has been implemented, namely Counseling on Foot and Mouth Diseases. This activity was chaired by the Getasan Village Coordinator, I Gede Bagas Upaditha Adresya K. who is a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and assisted by the Head of Production Improvement Division, Daniel David Kristiadhi, as well as other members of the Getasan Village Community Service Center on Friday (05/08) at the office. Head of Getasan Village, Evening, Badung. The implementation of the work program also invited representatives from the Department of Agriculture and Food Crops, Badung Regency as resource persons, namely drh. I Ketut Gunata, M.P. as the Sub Coordinator of Observation and Investigation of Animal Diseases/ Veterinary Medical.

The series of FMD counseling events also invited the Head of the Getasan Indigenous Village, the Head of the Getasan Village LPM, the Head of Banjar in Getasan Village PKK TP, the Getasan Village Indigenous Association chairman, members of the FMD Handling Task Force, and most importantly the Getasan Village Livestock Group. The FMD counseling program was officially opened by the head of Getasan Village, Mr. I Wayan Suandi, S.Pt.. The whole series of events was enthusiastically welcomed by the extension participants, as evidenced by the presence of more than 30 participants. The enthusiasm of the community in asking questions is also one of the separate parameters for the success of the FMD counseling event. However, it is also necessary to have direct socialization by going to the field (door to door) so that they can simultaneously see the condition of the livestock.

Follow-up of FMD counseling was carried out by collecting data on the number and health conditions of community livestock in Getasan Village which had been carried out for 2 (two) days, 8-9 August 2022. Data collection on the number and condition of livestock was included in the KKN PPM student assistance program with the village head. Livestock data recorded included split-hoofed livestock, namely pigs, goats, and cows. Data collection on the number and condition of livestock was carried out in 4 banjars, namely Banjar Kauh, Banjar Ubud, Banjar Tengah, and Banjar Buangga. After the data collection, the next plan is the implementation of disinfectants in livestock cages and a vaccination program as a form of follow-up to prevent the spread of FMD (Food and Mouth Diseases).




Livestock data collection activities, spraying disinfectants, and vaccinations will be useful in preventing the transmission of FMD in livestock. In addition, education about the symptoms and dangers of PMK is also given to residents of Getasan Village who have cattle, pigs, and goats. So that the community and breeders in the future are expected to be more alert and ready to deal with the FMD outbreak later.