42nd Doctoral Promotion, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

Doctoral Study Program in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University on Friday, August 12, 2022, at: 10.00 Wita located in the Wiswakarma Hall of Udayana University, carrying out the 42nd Doctoral promotion. Promovendus on behalf of I Made Rai Ridartha with a dissertation title Analysis of the Effects of Push-Pull Policy on Changes in Student Pick-up Behavior Using Motorcycles in Bali Province. Promovenda's study period is 2 years and 4 months and is declared to have passed with a GPA of 3.71 with a very satisfactory predicate.

Dr. Ir. I Made Rai Ridartha, ATD., M.Eng.Sc in his presentation conveyed the phenomenon of student shuttle activities using motorbikes as one of the causes of transportation problems. This phenomenon appears in almost all of Indonesia, including in Gianyar Regency. The frequency of these activities is influenced, among others, by the timetable for teaching and learning at school (half-day school) and the behavior and habits of the community in traffic. The habit of taking students by motorbike is getting stronger along with the low quality of public transportation services. Data collected from 14 Junior High Schools in Gianyar Regency shows that almost 48% of students are picked up by their parents using motorbikes. Meanwhile, 17.80% of students ride their own motorbikes for school activities. The consequences of this problem include congestion and possible traffic accidents, inefficient use of time and money and air pollution. On the other hand, the Gianyar Regency Government has operated free #AMAN student transportation to serve students in 43 Junior High Schools, although its operations have not covered the entire region. The purpose of this study was to analyze the push and pull strategies in influencing student activities using motorcycles. The results of the study indicate that the success of the policy in reducing motorbikes as a mode of transportation for students must include an integration between non-transportation policies such as full day school and transportation policies such as the use of free school transportation for students.

Acting as the leader of the session was the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T., Ph.D. As the promoter is Prof. Ir. Putu Alit Suthanaya, ST., M.Eng.Sc, Ph.D. and co-promoters I and II are Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, ST., MT., MSc., Ph.D and Dr. Ir. Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, S.T., S.Ds., M.A., IPU., ASEAN Eng. Acting as an internal supporter is Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Arya Thanaya, ME., PhD., Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Budiartha R.M, MSc., Prof.Dr. Ir Ngakan Made Anom Wiryasa, MT., IPM., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Dewa Ketut Sudarsana, MT., Dr. Ir. I Wayan Suweda, MSP., M.Phil., Dr. Ir. I Made Agus Ariawan, ST., MT and Dr. A A. Gde Agung Yana, ST., MT. There are three academic invitations consisting of Ir. I Nyoman Martha Jaya, MConstMgt.,Ph.D.,GCInstCES., Ida Bagus Rai Widiarsa,S.T.,M.A.Sc.,Ph.D and I Putu Gustave Suryantara P, S.T.,M.Eng., Ph.D