Unud FTP TPB Study Program Conducts Community Service Collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria
The Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) previously received a
visit from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
(BOKU), Austria. The visit was received directly by the Dean of the Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrina Wijaya, M.App.Sc.,
Ph.D., 1st Deputy Dean Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., MP., Coordinator of the
Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putu
Gunadnya, M.S. and UP2M Coordinator Ni Nyoman Sulastri, S.TP., M.Agr., Ph.D. In
addition, representatives from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,
Vienna (BOKU), Austria, namely Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Katharina Keiblinger
as Senior Scientist With the team. During the visit, discussions related to
collaborative research activities were also held.
On August 2nd ,
2022, community service collaboration was carried out between the Agricultural
and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology,
Udayana University which carried out International Community Service with the
theme "Increasing Awareness of Farmers for Sustainable Rice Production
with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,Vienna (BOKU),
Austria which was held in two subaks in the Angga Batukaru Catur Area, namely
Subak Sigaran and Subak Wongaya Betan. This service is the result of
identifying the problem of large rice straw production and focusing on
strategies for using straw to enrich the nutrient content of the soil.
This activity is expected
to be continued with other collaborations such as in the fields of research and
education. Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrina Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D., as the Dean
of FTP Unud also hopes that in the future there will be more international
collaborations carried out by FTP Unud to support performance in implementing
the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.