Post-Accreditation in the Undergraduate Dentistry and Dentistry Professional Study Programs via Online Field Assessment Monitoring and Evaluation

Regarding the implementation of Field Accreditation in 2019, PSSKGPDG FK Unud held an Online Field Assessment Monitoring and Evaluation Post-Accreditation to respond to all input from assessors. This Surveillance ALD presents 1 assessor, namely Dr. drg. Eha Renwi Astuti, M.Kes., Sp.RKG (K)

In his remarks, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K)  expressed his hope that with this surveillance all the recommendations given previously at the time of accreditation could be completed so that the Bachelor of Dentistry and Dentist Profession Study Program in the future could get superior results.

Today's ALD agenda is:

1. Presentation related to recommendations on accreditation by the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Dentistry and Dentistry Profession Study Program, Dr. drg. Putu Lestari Sudirman, M. Biomed.

2. Assessor discussion with the accreditation team.

3. Submission of online field assessment surveillance results by assessors.