Vaccination of Mouth and Nail Diseases (PMK) in Kerta Village Collaboration Students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Office


Students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Community Services Program/ Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pembelajran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN PPM) students at Udayana University for the 2022 period participated in the implementation of the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccination which was carried out in stages in Kerta Village, Gianyar Regency. FMD vaccination was carried out in Banjar Bunteh, Kerta Village at 09.00 WITA on Saturday (23/7). Then followed by the implementation of FMD vaccination in Banjar Kerta, Kerta Village, at 09.00 WITA on Tuesday (26/7) to Thursday (28/7). The implementation of this vaccination is one of the collaborative actions between students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University, KKN students of Udayana University who work in Kerta Village and the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Office to prevent the spread of Foot and Mouth Diseases in Bali Province.



The FMD vaccination was carried out together with the District Agriculture Office, which was guided by the office staff in the banjar where the vaccination was carried out. This vaccination activity is expected to help reduce the number of FMD cases that attack livestock in Indonesia, especially in Gianyar Regency. In addition, this activity can also increase the level of knowledge of farmers on understanding the spread of the FMD virus.


Vaccination has been carried out in 2 banjars in Kerta Village, namely Banjar Bunteh and Banjar Kerta. The plan is that this vaccination will continue so that it is evenly distributed in all banjars in Kerta Village. Vaccination begins with a joint briefing, then it is divided into 3 teams so that the vaccination runs quickly and efficiently. In Banjar Bunteh 200 cows were vaccinated in one day and in Banjar Kerta a total of 689 cows were vaccinated during 3 days.



The implementation of this vaccination was welcomed by very enthusiastic breeders, of course they felt helped by the provision of free FMD vaccination, as well as getting knowledge related to FMD. In addition, this activity also has a positive impact on volunteers who are students from the FVM Udayana University, as well as from Udayana University KKN students because from this activity the volunteers convey that they feel they are participating in learning in self-development. This series of FMD vaccinations will be continued thoroughly in other villages in Gianyar Regency.

Author : Teguh Arinata