Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UNUD together with the Agriculture Office of Klungkung Regency carried out Vaccination of Food and Mouth Diseases and Cattle Data Collection in Getakan Village


Klungkung – In order to prevent the spread of the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) virus in Bali, especially in Klungkung Regency, the FMD Volunteer Team of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University together with the Agriculture Office of Klungkung Regency carried out vaccination activities as well as data collection for cattle in Getakan Village, Banjarangkan District, Klungkung Regency.

This activity held on Wednesday, July 16, 2022 starting at 08.30 WITA. The Unud FVM party together with the Service, accompanied by the Head of Getakan Village visited 3 simantri groups in the Getakan Village area.

The FVM FMD Volunteer Team together with the Agriculture Service are involved in FMD Vaccination activities. The team visited the cattle pens owned by the farmers. The cattle owners are directed to handle their cows so that it is easier to vaccinate, after that the cattle owners are asked about the data on their respective cows. A total of 55 cows were vaccinated and recorded in this vaccination activity.




From the results of data collection, there are still many farmers who do not know about the clinical signs of cattle due to infection from the FMD virus. This can be immediately responded by the Unud FVM and the Department by providing educational explanations about the FMD virus that is currently endemic in Bali and how to overcome it, such as the importance of biosecurity in cages.



The enthusiasm of the breeders makes vaccination and data collection activities run very smoothly, so that the results obtained have met the expected targets.

Author: Bagus Aryanta