BRAVO! FTP Unud Collaborates with ACS Denpasar About MBKM Internships, Students Have the Opportunity to Add G20 Guest Handle Experience
The Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) has collaborated with
PT. Aerofood Indonesia Denpasar Unit regarding the Implementation of
Internships, Field Work Practices (PKL) and MBKM Internships (Merdeka Belajar Kampus
Merdeka) by the Food Technology Study Program, Agricultural Industrial
Technology and Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems FTP Unud. The
Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was signed by the Dean of FTP Unud Prof. Ir. I Made
Anom S. Wijaya, M.App.Sc. PhD. and Mr. Muhammad Irfan as General Manager of PT.
Aerofood Indonesia Unit Denpasar.
This collaborative
activity is carried out as a joint effort to utilize, optimize and utilize
available resources to carry out programs to improve and develop the quality of
human resources through the implementation of the Tri Dharma College program,
namely Education through Internship programs, Field Work Practices (PKL) and
MBKM Internships.
The discussion about the
internship for FTP Unud students at PT. Aerofood Indonesia Denpasar Unit has
been carried out. FTP Unud represented by the Coordinator of the Information
Management and Cooperation Unit, Dr. Dewa Ayu Anom Yuarini, S.TP., M.Agb and
Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. Together with Mrs. Partiwi Supartika Quality
Manager of PT. Aerofood Indonesia Unit Denpasar.
Mrs. Partiwi Supartika Quality
Manager of PT. Aerofood Indonesia Unit Denpasar conveyed that the MBKM
Internship program could be carried out starting in September, he also informed
that October to November is the month where the G20 major event is planned, so
that according to his information, students who carry out the MBKM Internship
will gain a lot of experience, especially in conducting handle guests of G20
participants at ACS. This is because the majority of the dishes on board are
made by Aerofood ACS at various airports in Indonesia, she said.