Preparation for the Construction of the International VTH, VTH FVM UNUD Conducts a Bencharking to VTH Jakarta.

As an educational place for prospective veterinarians, the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University, is committed to increasing the professionalism of prospective veterinarians. VTH is determined to have a positive impact on pets, humans and the environment, said the Director of the Udayana Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Prof. Dr. drh. I Ketut Puja, M.Kes on the benchmarking at the Jakarta Animal Hospital on Wednesday, July 6, 2022.


The benchmarking activity at Jakarta Animal Hospital, the team of VTH Udayana, was accompanied by Dr. drh I Wayan Sudira, M.Si as the vice dean for student affairs and cooperation and Dr. drh Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani, M.Si as vice dean for general and finance to see and practice good management of Animal Hospitals as Referral Animal Hospitals in Indonesia.


Vice dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation Dr I Wayan Sudira, M.Si said that the Udayana Veterinary Teaching Hospital has been dedicated to improving the professionalism of prospective veterinarians and with the educational resources it has, it is certain to be able to help prospective veterinarians overcome obstacles that are often faced when pursuing a career. in veterinary medicine. Udayana Veterinary Teaching Hospital provides general practice services to emergency and special care to more than 6,000 pets every year. Moreover, in 2023 we will build a Veterinary Hospital with international standards that will enable the expansion of excellent services now and in the future. With this comparative study, knowledge of good practice related to hospital management will be obtained. So that later the Udayana VTH will be able to provide the best medical care for pets.


Meanwhile, the President Director of the Jakarta Animal Hospital, Chrisanti Hutasoit, MM said that the Animal Hospital with the motto "Serving with Love" is the largest animal hospital and is the first private animal hospital in Indonesia. This Animal Hospital also puts forward programs in the field of Public Environmental Health and Environmental Preservation. It was further stated that Jakarta Animal Hospital is supported by a team of experienced veterinarians, paramedics and administrative staff, Jakarta Animal Hospital has a vision and mission, to become a veterinary hospital, namely: Best in Medicine, Most Complete in Facilities, and Lowest in Mortality Rate. At the end of his presentation, the main director of Jakarta Animal Hospital said that what is important going forward is to prepare regulations and legal umbrellas for service delivery so that there are no legal problems in the future.


The activity was continued by looking at the existing infrastructure at the Jakarta Animal Hospital. The facilities provided by Jakarta Animal Hospital are very complete, starting from the Emergency Room, Infectious and Non-Infectious Hospitalization, Operating Room, Examination Room, Laboratory Examination to Animal Tombs. The human resources that support the performance of Jakarta Animal Hospital are also qualified, consisting of 3 Commissioners, 2 Directors, 11 Administrative and Financial Staff, 17 Veterinarians, 23 Animal Paramedics and other supporting staff. On the sidelines of the trip to see the infrastructure of the Jakarta Animal Hospital, Christianti said that in managing the Jakarta Animal Hospital the management is not a veterinarian so that it can be managed professionally.


At the end of the visit, the Director of VTH Udayana expressed his gratitude for the acceptance of this visit and hoped that this comparative study could provide additional information, experience and good practice in managing a hospital and in the future it can also improve animal health services in Bali.