FEB Unud and Widya Dewata Foundation Hold A/B Brevet Tax Certification Exams for Diploma III Tax Program Students

The provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number: PMK-229/PMK.03/2014 dated December 18, 2014 states that one of the requirements for an employee to be able to become a proxy for a company in fulfilling his tax rights and obligations is to have a Brevet Certificate in the field of Taxation issued by an agency. tax brevet course education.


With regard to the PMK above, the Diploma III Taxation Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University in collaboration with the Widya Dewata Foundation as an institution for the Tax & Finance Training Center held the A/B Brevet Tax Certification Examination. This activity took place on June 29 – July 9 2015 with the following materials: (1) KUP, PP and PPSP; (2) Withholding Income Tax withholding; (3) PPh OP; (4) Corporate Income Tax; (5) PPN and PPnBM; (6) UN; and (7) Tax Accounting.


This certification exam was participated by students of the 2012 Diploma III Taxation Study Program FEB Unud who had passed in June 2015 free of charge (free). Examinees who are entitled to a certificate with a passing score for each exam will get a minimum score of 65 (sixty five). By taking this exam, graduates of the Diploma III FEB Unud Program, especially the Diploma III Taxation Program, have a certificate of professional competence in accordance with the rules and are better prepared to enter the job market.