Sydrastiny S Successfully Earned a Doctorate Degree at the Doctoral Program of Law, Faculty of Law UNUD

Denpasar--- Monday, 27 June 2022, Doctoral Program of Law, Faculty of Law Unud held an Open Examination on behalf of Sydrastiny S, who works as an ASN at the Regional Revenue Agency/Pasedahan Agung, Badung Regency. His dissertation is entitled “Formulation of Local Government Policies in Improving Hotel and Restaurant Taxpayer Compliance.” The topic of the dissertation is very interesting considering that Bali is one of the favorite tourism destinations in the world, on the other hand the tourist accommodation service business has collapsed during the pandemic which of course is related to paying hotel and restaurant taxes. The Promoter Team of this dissertation: Prof. Dr. I Wayan Parsa, SH., MH.; Prof. Dr. I Gede Yusa, SH., MH.; and Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, SH., M. Hum. While the External Examiner Prof. Dr. Sukamto Satoto, SH., MH who is a Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, Jambi University. (UPIKS&IT FH Unud Team)