Live On TVRI Bali, Grebeg Desa Kompak FK Unud 2022


Friday, June 24, 2022

The Grebeg Desa activity is a health service work program under the Department of Community Service (Pengmas) organized by the Semi-Autonomous Body of the Cancer Care Student Community, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Kompak FK UNUD) with the aim of providing information or knowledge related to cancer and providing assistance in the form of donations. with the hope of easing the burden on society, especially for those who are less fortunate.

This year Grebeg Desa carries the theme "Better Life and Future by Taking Preventive, Supportive, and Screening of Cancer" which has several forms of activity, one of which is Live on TVRI Bali. Live on TVRI Bali was held on June 24, 2022 and packaged in the form of a Talkshow which was included in the program available on TVRI Bali, namely Public Discourse with the theme "CERDIK (Intelligent, Detection, Early Cancer) During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period"

Live on TVRI Bali is a promotive aspect that is focused on socializing about cancer in general with the aim of adding insight and introducing The FK Unud compact to the wider community. This event was presented by two speakers, namely dr. Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wekan, Sp. B(K)Onk and I Putu Aditya Perdana and guided by Galuh Praba.

This event was attended by 150 AM (young members) Kompak FK Unud who joined together live streaming on the TVRI Bali YouTube channel and there are 16 committees who are present in person offline to the TVRI Bali location which is located in Renon, Bali.