Strive for Continuing Cooperation, DIT Timor-Leste Visits FEB Unud

Starting in June 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business of Udayana University (FEB Unud) had the opportunity to receive a visit from the Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), on Friday (03/06). This bilateral visit was held in the FEB Leadership Meeting Room Unud Sudirman Denpasar.



The DIT delegation was led by Rector Dr. Alvaro Menezes Amaral, S.E, M.Acc., who was accompanied by Dr. Ir. Estanislau de Sousa Saldanh, M.Tech. (President Permanent Council DIT), Mr. Marcos Taec Abi, L.Ed., M.A. (Pro-Rector Planning and External Cooperation DIT), and Dr. Ir. Salustiano Dos Reis Piedade, M.Eng. (Director of Graduate School DIT). The arrival of the guest from Timor-Leste was immediately welcomed by the Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., who was accompanied by the Deputy Dean II, Coordinator of Study Programs (Koprodi) for S3 Accounting, S3 Economics, and S3 Management Science.



The Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., in his speech expressed his gratitude for DIT returning to FEB Unud to explore prospective cooperation for both parties in the future. In this meeting, the Dean of FEB Unud had the opportunity to introduce FEB Unud more deeply, and stated that he opened his arms wide to maximize opportunities for collaboration in the future.



On the other hand, the DIT Chancellor was flattered by the hospitality shown by the FEB Dean. His party expressed his joy in visiting FEB Unud after the Covid-19 pandemic that hit almost the whole world. The Chancellor of DIT stated that this visit was aimed at strengthening the relationship in order to be able to produce various positive collaborations as has been produced in the past few years.