Professional Interest of Veterinary Holic, Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Has A Milk Distribution Event In The Form Of World Milk Day 2022


World Milk Day is a celebration activity as well as an annual professional interest veterinary holic’s work program. This year, the main theme is "Milk as the spearhead of optimal health for all generations" and will be held on June 1, 2022. The target of this activity is children who are in the Tunas Bangsa Foundation Child Support Institution located in Denpasar City.


The event for milk is held in one day from 08.00 WITA – 11.30 WITA. This activity was attended by the Activity Supervisor, the Chair and Deputy of Professional Interest Veterinary Holic, steering committees activities, and the activity committees. This activity was started and opened by the head of professional interest Veterinary Holic with a symbolic form of giving milk to one of the children at the Tunas Bangsa Foundation Child Support Center.



What enlivened this activity was the existence of interactive activities and games in the form of gymnastics, drawing, guessing pictures, and cat-and-mouse games. In this games session, the committee also contributed so that the games ran excitingly. During the drawing games, children at the Tunas Bangsa Foundation Children's Support Center can channel and show unlimited creativity. In addition, children who take part in games will also get prizes that have been prepared by the committees so that children will be very excited in these games.



After the games, the event continued with an announcement to the winners of each game and prizes were handed over by the head of  professional interest veterinary holic, activity supervisors, and the core of the committee. After the announcement of the games, it was continued by giving milk to the children of the Tunas Bangsa Foundation Children's Support Institution and then proceeding with a clean-up at the Tunas Bangsa Foundation's Children's Sponsorship Institution by the committee and to conclude the activity, a group photo was taken.