Improving Quality, FVM Unud Holds Benchmarking to School of Veterinary and Biomedical Medicine IPB University


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University is one of the faculties of Veterinary Medicine in Indonesia, especially the eastern part which has the potential to develop to match similar faculties that are already advanced. However, to organize, manage and optimize it, FVM Unud still needs to learn from universities that have advanced and excelled. Therefore, in order to broaden knowledge regarding the application of education and the application of a good quality culture, the Kampus Merdeka Merdeka Belajar (KMMB) curriculum, and the Cooperation program, on Monday 30 May 2022 FVM Udayana conducted a comparative study at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical (SVMB) IPB university.


The Udayana FVM delegation was welcomed by the Dean of SVMB and accompanied by other leaders, namely the vice deans and heads of units and Agrianita of SVMB IPB. Located in the meeting room of the SVMB IPB campus, Dramaga campus, the Dean of SVMB, IPB University, Prof. drh. Deni Noviana, Ph.D., DAiCVIMi conveyed a glimpse of the progress made by SVMB IPB to date. Even though it has excellent status and is internationally accredited, SVMB IPB also wants to establish cooperation with similar faculties both at home and abroad. One of them is FVM Udayana University. Prof. Deni hopes that this collaboration can be mutually beneficial, especially in terms of education and research. In the future, Prof. Deni hopes that from this comparative study and which is followed by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (CA) it can take what good practices exist in Bali, especially things that IPB does not have, such as research in the field of kintamani dogs and bali cattle. Prof. Deni advised both institutions to see a vision that is much bigger than just the progress of the two institutions, namely SVMB IPB and FVM Unud, but even more advanced, namely the progress of Indonesia as a great nation through the positive and active roles of these two institutions.


In his presentation, the Dean of FVM Udayana, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si conveyed that the purpose of this benchmarking is to share the sustainability and improvement of quality assurance programs (quality culture, improvement of policies, procedures, quality standards, etc.) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University. The purpose of this activity is to study at state universities that have advanced and excelled in the application of education and have implemented a good quality culture. Furthermore, Prof. Suartha expressed his pleasure to be able to do comparative studies at SVMB IPB University because according to him IPB is a very advanced and superior university. The selection of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical, IPB University because IPB is a state university that has international status, is evidenced by the QS Ranking in the top 100. He hopes that FVM Udayana can learn from the experience of SVMB IPB so that we can apply it in FVM Unud. On that occasion, Prof. Suatha offered cooperation in terms of developing Balinese Kintamani dogs, in accordance with the wishes of the Balinese government to improve the quality of Balinese Kintamani dogs.


The activity then continued with the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical IPB University. The signing of this CA is a commitment of the FVM Unud in achieving the Main Performance Index (MPI) in accordance with the expectations of the Ministry of Education and Culture. In order to achieve MPI in the field of collaboration, FVM Unud collaborates with IPB University as one of the higher education institutions with a ranking of 100QS. This collaboration covers the field of Education where students from each institution, both FVM Unud and SVMB IPB can collaborate in the form of student exchanges and inter-institutional internships. In addition, there is also cooperation in the field of research, especially germplasm conservation research in Indonesia where in Bali currently the Kintamani Dog Breeding Center has been established which will open up enormous research opportunities for both institutions. In the field of Community Service, IPB and Unud have carried out long-standing community service collaboration activities such as Student Study Service, where this June IPB University held a Community Service Program in Nusa Penida Bali.


The benchmarking activity then closed with direct viewing activities while discussing the existing facilities at the IPB SVMB. Starting from the Lecture Building, Educational Animal Hospital to the SVMB IPB Equestrian Center. The activity went well and smoothly. The discussion is not only an exchange of insights but also there are several new discourses such as a more intense collaboration between SVMB IPB University and FVM Udayana in the future. The discourse of collaboration that might be realized is in the form of collaboration in germplasm research in Bali and community service.