Gain Two Professors, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Now Has 18 Professors

 The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University added 2 professors, namely a professor in the field of veterinary parasitology and a professor in the field of veterinary medicine. With the addition of this new professor, FVM Unud now has 18 professors. The two new professors are Prof. Dr. Drh I made Dwinata, M.kes and Prof. Dr. Ir Putu Sampurna MS. Inaugurated as Professor on Saturday, May 28, 2022. Prof. Dr. Drh I Made Dwinata M.Kes, is a lecturer in veterinary parasitology, became the 17th Professor of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. Prof. Dr. Ir. Putu Sampurna MS is a lecturer in biostatistics as the 18th professor at the University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. With the addition of these 2 professors, the distribution of lecturers at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University became 3 Instructors, 2 lectures, 24 assistants professor, 24 associate professors and 18 professors.



The academic ceremony of Udayana University in the context of the inauguration of professors was still witnessed by the Rector, Vice Rectors, Leadership of The University, the Deans and Vice Deans from each Faculty, as well as the families of each inaugurated Professor, who were present at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus. In addition, this academic event was witnessed by all invitees, including stakeholders, lecturers, alumni, colleagues, and family. In addition to 2twoprofessors from FVM, there are four other professors were also inaugurated, namely two from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS), 1 Faculty of Arts (FA), and 1 professor from the Faculty of Medicine (FM).



In delivering his inaugural speech entitled The Impact of Helmint Parasite Infection in Livestock on National Food Security, Prof. Dr. Drh I Made Dwinata, M.Kes highlighted that climate and environmental changes globally will affect the epidemiology of parasites, thereby increasing worm infections in livestock and anthelmintic resistance which can lead to a decrease in national meat production. Control of helminth infections in the future can be done by developing vaccines to increase livestock immunity. Prof. Dr. Ir. I Putu Sampurna, M.S delivered an oration entitled the role of infographics to draw conclusions from the results of data analysis of veterinary science research. Furthermore, it is said that data visualization in biostatistics is very necessary to make the data easier to read, understand and most importantly presented.



Unud’s Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU in the introduction to the six professors said that with the addition of these six professors, Udayana University now has 179 professors and the percentage of professors owned is 13 percent, which indicates that it has exceeded the target of Ministry of Education, which is a minimum of 10 percent. It is hoped that the addition of professors will be able to improve the quality of learning in each faculty. At this academic event there was something special, because for the first time the professors who were inaugurated and at the same time distributed membership cards for the Udayana University professors' forum. On the next occasion, the chairman of the Udayana University professor forum, Prof. Dr. dr I Ketut Suastika, SpPD, said that the newly inaugurated professors were expected to provide suggestions, inputs and ideas for the future development of Udayana University.