Social Service of the Informatics Study Program of FMIPA UNUD to Ulun Danu Batur Temple Kintamani

Saturday, May 21, 2022, the Informatics Study Program FMIPA Udayana University conducted social service and community service activities which were summarized in the "Informatics Social Service 2022" activity. The Social Service which was carried out by Lecturers, staff, Computer Science Student Association, Informatics Student Innovation Center, Student Coordinator Representative and Coordinator for the 2020 and 2021 levels took place at Ulun Danu Batur Temple, Kintamani Bangli. This activity is one of the contributions of the Informatics Study Program to the community by helping to clean the temple area and providing donations in the form of cash funds and cleaning equipment.


The social service activity began with a warm welcome accompanied by a meal by Sinoman and other temple administrators. In his speech, Guru I Wayan Asta Peduluan at Ulun Danu Batur Temple/in Batur Traditional Village as the representative of Penyarikan expressed his appreciation by expressing his gratitude for this social service activity. Guru Asta hopes that activities like this can continue to be carried out in addition to maintaining the sanctity of the temple, but also to maintain the cleanliness of the temple area.


Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Informatics Study Program, Dr. Ir. I Ketut Gede Suhartana, S.Kom, M.Kom in his speech expressed his gratitude for the permission given to the entire community of the informatics study program to be able to carry out this social service activity. Initially 400 participants were expected to contribute, but in the end we decided to only invite 70 participants who were representatives of the Informatics Study Program. We hope that contributions in the form of a small amount of money, cleaning equipment, and cleaning activities in the Ulun Danu Batur Temple area can be accepted. We also apologize if there are things that are not pleasing during the implementation of this social service activity.


Next, there was a symbolic handing over of funds and cleaning equipment, group photos with the temple management, as well as activities to clean the temple environment, praying together which was attended by all participants of the Hindu social service and closed with lunch together.