The Story of Ni Diah Tantri : Exemplifies the Traces of Local Wisdom Episode 4

Episode 4: The Friendship Tragedy between the Swan and the Turtle
The Reflection on Emotional Control
Text: I Empas Padêm Kabatêk antuk Gêdêgipune ring Asu.
Wentên rêke êmpas kakalih lua muani, mawasta I Durbudi kalih Ni Kêcapa, magênah ring têlagane sane akeh uparêngganipun, makadi sakancan sêkare kala sami nêdêng kêmbang, luiripun: tunjung bang, tunjung biru, tunjung nila, tunjung putih kalih sane lian-lianan. Têlaga punika mawasta rêke Taman Kumudawati. Lianan ring i êmpas irika talêr wentê angsa kehipune kalih lua muani, mlali-lali sarwi manjus. Sane lua mawasta Cakrênggi, sane muani mawasta Cakrêngga. Sasuenipun angsa punika magênah irika, kocap sampun ipun makakasihan ring i êmpas, kalih i êmpas sampun masurudayu ring angsane kakalih punika.
Kacarita mangkin rawuh rêke masaning panês bantêng, ngantos toyan Têlaga Kumudawati punika tambis-tambis asat. Kala punika i angsa lua muani jaga matinggal saking irika, pacang matulak ka gênahnyane riin. Sêmunnyane ngunkun, santukan ngangên sawitrannyane sane pacang tinggalipun. Irika raris i angsa lua muani mapajar ring i êmpas makakalih: “Uduh, cai nyai pada makadadua, apang mêlah-mêlah pada dini. Isina da pêsan nyai cai sêkêl, bane mabêlasan têken i dewek uli jani, mani puan kewala ênu pada idup, dumadak apang pada kacunduk. Awanan deweke ninggalin, wireh i dewek sing ja dadi pasah têkening yeh, baan gaman deweke sadina-dina mabrêsih. Pangungsin deweke jani lakar ka gunung Himawan. Ditu ada têlaga mêlah madan Manasara, yehne êning pêsan. Yan andeang têlagane ênto tan bina kadi Taman Narmadane, pasiraman Ida Batara Indra. Buina têlagane ênto yehne sing ja taen asat, apitui masan panês bantêk. Ento ane lakar jujug deweke”.
Wawu asapunika pajar angsa punika, i êmpas luh muani sami sêdih, antuk jagi katinggalin sawitra, solah ipune amêlas hyun, matedoh ipun ring buntut angsane, raris mapajar, pajare ngêtus manah: “Inggih ratu, kalintang-lintang tan swecan iratune ngawulayang titiang wong nista dama. Yan iratu nilar titiang iriki, punapi dados titiange, tan pariwangde titiang padêm, antuk sêdih manah titiange tilar iratu. Sapunapi kenginan i ratu ngardinin, kenak pakayun iratune kewantên, tan wentên pisan iratu ngaksi buat kasakitan titiange. Mawinan titiang matur asapunika, wireh titiang talêr mangrêtayang toya, tan bina ring iratu. Cêndêk titiang ndawêgang, pacang ngiring iratu, mangda titiang polih muponin kadarmaning sawitra”. Sumaur aris i angsa, antuk kapiwêlasannyane miragi atur i êmpas punika: “Yen keto, ne ada baan i dewek daya mêlah. Ne kayu atugêl dangal basa têngahane. Sabilang tanggu deweke nangal ajak dadua. Salantang jalan, êda pêsan nyai cai mamunyi, apitui ada anak matakon, êda sautina. Ingêtang pêsan, êda nyên nyai cai ima têken pabêsên deweke. Yen ima, sing buungan nyai cai lakar mati, mawastu tan prasida amun pangaptine”. Dening asapunika, lêga pêsan manah êmpas punika ngiring sapitutur angsa punika.
Gêlising carita, êmpas sampun kakêbêrang antuk i angsa, pinahjambat antuka ngêbêrang, tambis rawuh rêke ring têgal Wira Jênggala. Mungguing ring têgal Wira Jênggala punika wentên asu kakilih lua muani masayuban ring tarune. Sane muani mawasta I Angsang, sane lua Ni Angsing wastanipun. Asu punika praya ngrêrêh têda, nanging lacur, tan wentên polih karya. Kabatêk antuk layah kalih bêdakmipune, kenginan nyongkok ipun sinambi manyonyoin pianak ipune sane kantun alit-alit. Kala punika nuju pisan Ni Angsing nulengek kambarane, kantênanga wentên angsa ngêbêrang êmpas nganginang. Ni Angsing kagêgawok ngantênang. Sawireh sane sampun-sampun tan nahênin ipun manggihin sakadi punika. Raris ipun mapiorah ring muanin ipune,: “Ih nanang cêninge, tingalin ja ba duur ada êmpas kakêberang baan angsa. Kija ia lakar abana”. I Angsang sumaur: “Sing ja buka munyin nyaine. Dija ada pêrah êmpas kakêbêrang baan angsa. Kenehang awake ênto tidong ja êmpas, tatwiyane tain sampi tuh, ane umahin bakutis. Ênto kêbêranga baan i angsa, wireh panak bakutise mula tuah amah-amahan panak angsa”.
Wawu i êmpas miragi, ipun kasêngguh tain banteng tuh, kenginan kumêtug pêdihnyane. Grêgêtan i êmpas, bungutipune ênggang jagi nyandêr i asu. Sawireh bungut ipune nyêbak, dados ipun ulung ka tanahe. Kala irika lêga pêsan manah I Angsang kalih Ni Angsing punika, minakadi panak-panak ipune, sami nêda bangken êmpas. Kocap i angsa lua muani sami masêmu kerangan, tumuli makakalih makêbêr ngalerang. Dagingipun suksman satua puniki: sapitutur ayu, hyan tan sida baan nyanggêmin, panadosipun tan bina sakadi katuturanipun i êmpas. Samalih sakadi katuturan I Titih masawitra ring I Tuma, nanging sapitutur I tuma punika tan wentên pisan katuutang antuk I Titih, mawastu padêm I Titih lan I Tuma. Yan upamiang titiang sakadi sang sadaka, madrêwe sisya corah, tan pariwangde ida rusak (Source: Ni Diah Tantri Oleh I Made Pasek tahun 1978).
The Translation: Kematian Si Kura-Kura karena Kemarahannya pada Anjing
Once upon a time, there was a pair of turtles, the male one named I Durbudi and the female named Ni Kecapa. The two turle lived in a very beautiful pool called Telaga Kumudawati, which filled with colorful lotus. Not only the two turtles, there were also a pair of swans, a male named Cakrengga and a female named Cakrenggi. Because these two couples had long lived in the pool, they finally agreed to be good friends in the likes and sorrows.
One day, there came a long dry season that made in the pool water became receded and drier. This situation forced the pair of swans to leave the pond and would return to its original place in a pool of water. The two swans were very sad to leave. Then the two swans said: "Be fine in here. In short, you should not be angry with us because we must split up from today! Who knows we will live longer to meet again. The reason we leave you because we can not live without water because we are dandy. Our destination goes towards the Himawan mountain. There is a very beautiful pool called Manasara. The pool was very clear and never receded even though the drought was very long. If it is being refelected, the pool is like the Narmada Garden, the place where Dewa Indra bathing".
When hearing the words of the swans, the two turtles were very sad to have to be apart with his best friend. Then the two turtles beg for mercy kneel before the two swans and then said: "You really are not sincere with us because we are contemptible. If you really leave us alone, we will die of grief. You think only of yourself without thinking about our sorrow. We say so because we also need water no different from you. In short, we must follow you as a sign of faithfulness of good friendship.". Hearing the turtle's sadness, the swan replied: "If so, we have good sense. This piece of twig, you can bite it in the middle and we bite it at both ends. Later along the trip, do not ever talk even if someone asks, never answered. Again, keep this message in mind, because otherwise you will die so you will not reach your destination!" Therefore both turtles were very happy and followed the swan instructions.
Long short story, the two turtles were already flying with the swans. Soon, it finally floated over the fields of the Wirajenggala region. In this area there were said to be a pair of dogs, which were sheltering under a tree. The male named I Angsang and the female named Ni Angsing. Actually these two dogs were looking for food, however they could not find it. Because of the hunger and thirst, the mother only took a shelter nursing her children. Coincidentally the mother dog looked into the sky and then saw a pair of swans flying with a pair of turtles heading east. The dog parents were amazed to see the situation above because it was not as usual to see the incident. Then the mother dog told I Angsang: "My husband, look up, there is a turtle flown by a swan. Where did it go?" Then I Angsang replied: "Unlike your words, there is no story about turtles were flown by swans. Try to think right, it is not a tortoise, in fact it is dried cow dung where the beetle nests. That's what the swans are flying because the beetles are indeed the swans's food!”
When the tortoise heard the dog's words that thought them as the cow dung, his blood was instantly boiling, his heart was hot and wanted to bite the dog. He did not notice it and yet his mouth opened and fell to the ground. The turtle died instantly. How excited the dog to saw this, and then joyfully ate the carcass of the tortoise. This incident caused the swans to grieve and then went north. The meaning of the story is as follows: all good advice, if it can not be fulfilled / executed will eventually become like the turtle's story. Similar to the flea's story with the lice (clothing), all the advice of the louse (clothing) is completely ignored by the bedbug, so that both of them die. If likened to a saint who has an evil disciple, there is no need to get sap.
Structurally, the story is divided into two loci. The first focus is Kumudawati pool which introduces the emergence of the main character. The main character of the story above is a pair of turtles, male and female. The male is named Durbudi and the female Ni Kecapa. Physically, turtles are slow-moving animals. Actually the turtle is a strong animal thanks to the protection of its thick and tough shell. Turtles are often used as a mockery when someone walks slowly. The life of a turtle can not be separated from water. Therefore, the tortoise made a friendship with a pair of male swans named Cakrengga and a female named Cakrenggi. The lives of these two swans also can not be separated from water life. As a secondary figure, these two swans play a role in determining the fate of the two tortoises.
The second focus is the Wirajenggala field, where two dogs and their small children are feeding. Male dog named I Angsang and the female named Ni Angsing. The focus is the end of the fate of the two turtles, namely Durbudi and Ni Kecapa. In this place, food is so hard to get that it takes intelligence to get it. In such an alarming situation, a little trick is a surefire weapon. This dog managed to ridicule the tortoise that made his blood boil and lose consciousness and what he did was fatal to his life. The following presents the characteristic matrix of the six characters in the story.
No |
Character’s Name |
Species |
Gender male (+) female(-) |
Character: main character (+)/ complementer (-) |
Behavior |
Conclusion |
Wise |
emotional |
clever |
1 |
I Durbudi |
Turtle |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
fail |
2 |
Ni Kecapa |
Turtle |
- |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
fail |
3 |
Cakrengga |
swan |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
success |
4 |
Cakrenggi |
swan |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
Success |
5 |
I Angsang |
Dog |
+ |
- |
- |
0 |
+ |
Success |
6 |
Ni Angsing |
dog |
- |
- |
- |
0 |
+ |
Success |