Stories of Ni Diah Tantri: Imitate Trace Local Wisdom

Episode 3a EPISODE 3: LEARN OF FRIENDSHIP "Cockatoo Bird with Companions
"The episode is a continuation of previous serialize 2b. In this third episode narrated a parrot distinctive character in accordance with the character of the owner. The theme of the story is wrapped in the power of friendship. Friendship in this case there are two, namely (i) the relationship of the king with his officers / ministers in links with the slave masters (patron-client) and (ii) a bird friendship with their owners each have a different character. In friendship first (king with his minister) before the old king died, is the friendship that motivated the sincere devotion of his ministers, honest, loyal and respectful to the king so that the kingdom to prosper, prosperity, peace because besides the king was very clever govern well and because justice is preferred. The king was very trusting of his subordinates for his honesty and selfless devotion, but ministers have the utmost respect for his virtue. These are ideal conditions of a government that was effective, both sides need each other and form a strong government synergy. Furthermore, a friendly bird that has a different character according to the habits of the owner. Here are the original text and then translated into Indonesian.
Kedis Atat satinut lan Kakasihannya. Kacrita ada prabu di Usinara, mapêsengan Sri Adipati. Jagatidane kaliwat rahayu, saliun mêsêh ida makêjang pada rêp, sing pêsan ada bani lumiat, baan kasaktian anake agung totonan. Buina buat kapradnyananidane ngamêl jagat sing ada nyandang raosang. Mungguing linggah jagatidane, yening upami jalanin uli di têngah nyatur desa, ngajanang, ngêlodang, nganingang muah ngawangang, makêlonne pada mabulan. Sang prabu madue papatih lêwih-lêwih, linggihnyane pada nyatur desa. Mula tuah ênto catur tanda mantrine kapiandêl mikukuhin jagat. Para punggawane ane patpat totonan suba rêke kicen surat panugrahan, ngêbag têpi siring jagate, sing pêsan pada kicen tangkil ka nêgara.
Kacrita dewata sang prabu, matinggalan putra asiki, warnanidane abagus, mapêsengan Sri Gajahdruma. Ida sang raja putra sumêndi jumênêng nata di panêgara Usinara. Ida sang prabu madue punggawa anom-anom patpat sasamêtonan, makêjang pada kapiandêl antuk ida Sri Gajahdruma. Ënto rêko keman pêsan antuk ida sang prabu. Sang catur tanda mantrine anom pada mapinunas têken ida Sang Prabu Gajahdruma, lakar ngêntosin tanda mantrine wrêda. Gêlising crita, kalinggihan pinunasnyane, tumuli sang catur tanda mantri anom kautus ngrêrêh catur tanda mantrine wrêda totonan. Kocap tanda mantrine wrêda makêjang tusing ngiring lakar tangkil, wireh ajêrih nilar bisama, krana suba saking panugrahan ida sang prabu kang wus umor ring acintya, tusing pêsan kalugraha tangkil ka nêgara, yadiapin ada raos sabuat-buatnya. Doning keto, dadianya duka pêsan ida Sang Prabu Gajahdruma, mawastu buin ida maputusan. Ane kautus, masih catur tanda mantrine ane anom-anom ênto, tur kapangandikayang mantês pisan. Pamargannyane pada masaneh-sanehan nyatur desa. Yan kudang dina kapo makêlonne di marggi, lungane pada nyatur desa, kocap suba napak pasêmêngan. Para punggawane ane katuran, makêjang pranamya mêndakin putusan ida sang prabu. Mungguing putusane pada ngaba sewala patra, sangkêp babaktayanne sopacaraning mantri. Sasubanne katampi surate ênto, laut kapaos. Daging surate, apang digêlis para punggawane ento tangkil ka nêgara. Sajawaning surat, putusane masih nulurin antuk atur aris: “Inggih dagingipun, i gusti kapangandikayang lunga ugi sane mangkin tangkil ka nêgara ring ida sang prabu. Yening i gusti tan kayun, tan pariwangde ida sang nata mênggah, kalih jagi nêlasang i gusti”.
Mara keto atur putusane, sang katurin kamêgan tan pasaur. Rêrêpine kagênahang di dadampar palinggihane, tumuli ida ngulêh-ngulêhang pakayunan: “Mungguing anake bakal mamagêhang kadarman, sura satyane patut jalanin. Lêgayan suba i dewek ngêmasin pati nindihin kadarman”. Suud ida mapinêh buka keto, lantas ida ngandika: “Inggih dewa, niskarya pisan pangandikan i dewane, ngandikayang titiang pacang tangkil ring ida sang prabu, saantukan wentên bisaman ida sri maharaja dewata ne riin, tan wentên pisan titiang kalugra tangkil ka nêgara, yadiastun wentên babaos sabuat-buatipun. Kaping kalih bisama punika munggah ring surat piagême sane raksan titiang iriki. Titiang tan wentên pisan purun têmpal ring sabisaman ida sang wus umor ring acintya. Adayan titiang ngêmasin lampus ring pacang mamurug bisama punika. Nanging buat panuwêh kamanah antuk titiang, dewa, kêni sampun titiang tulak ring pakayunan ida Sang Prabu Gajahdruma, sang jumênêng nata ring jagat Usinara puniki, saantukan mangkin kakalih sane ajêrihin titiang, punapi malih sane baktinin titiang. Dagingnya mangda ida sang prabu wikan, puniki surat titiange kalih panugrahan ida Sri Maharaja Dewata aturang titiang ugi, mangda ida sauninga. Samalih makadinnipun, puniki punggalan titiange aturang, mangda polih talêr titiang tangkil ring ida Sang Prabu Gajahdruma, kaping kalih kêni sampun titiang tan mangiring pakayun ida Sri Maharaja Dewata”. Keto pangandikan mantrine wrêda. Kacrita suba rêko madabdab lakar ngaturang panyambrama ring putusane.
Maninne sêmêngan, sasubanne mantri wrêdane ênto masucian tur suba mabusana sarwa pêtak, nglawut ida lunga ka taman, ngrêgêpang aji kalêpasan tur mamuja ring Sanghyang Surya, mangda Ida nyaksinin kasusatyan pamarginne, tumuli ida nugêl kantanidane. Prabune katurang ring mantrine anom, putusan ida sang prabu. Tan critanan suba rêke pada budal utusane nyatur desa totonan. Pamarginnyane kutus makêjang patuh. Yan kudang dina kapo makêlonne di marggi, kocap suba rauh di nêgara, makêjang pada tangkil ring sang prabu, pada ngaturang ulune makapatpat maduluran rêrêpi têken panugrahane malu, buina kadulurin sakatahing daging purine katêkaning anak rabinida makêjang. Kala ditu sang prabu salit arsa, mara mambaos daging rêrêpine, apa buin mara mamaos suaran panugrahan dewatanida, ane katurang baan catur tanda mantrine wrêda. Kabaos antuk ida Sri Gajahdruma, buat baktin catur tanda mantrine ênto, tui tuah saking nêgêgang kadarman panyowita. Ditu sang prabu sayan mewêh, wireh nglingihin atur tanda mantrine anom. Sinah ida tan buungan lakar mamangguhang pakewuh, kakalahang baan para ratune uli di panêgara sunantara kala di pasiatan ka pungkur. Makadinne ênto catur tanda mantrine anom, joh lakar tuara kakalahang baan musuhe.
Critayang jani ida Sri Gajahdruma, mababaos têkening catur tanda mantrine anom, ngêntosin linggih catur tanda mantrine wrêda. Ledang pêsan dane sang kapat, kapangandikayang ngêntosin, ngiringang sapawacananida sang prabu, sawireh saking wit pinunasnya. Buina pada kicen kasugihan liu, mawuwuh-wuwuh ledang danene. Lantas makêjang pada ngungsi linggihnyane suang-suang. Tan kocap, yan kudang tiban kapo makêlonne madêg catur tanda mantri, pada kawêwêhan suka, bane kuluran saidêpnyane. Mawastu tusing ada ane uning ngêtus trêsnan manah kaulane. Buat pamargin catur tanda mantrine ênto kadawan-dawan kapirêng baan para ratune di dura nêgara, tumuli pada anglurug, magêgêbug ngidêrin têpi siringnyane, betel nêgara, têlah pada gêsêng. Sang Prabu Gajahdruma ajêrih, tumuli malayu nilar jagat. Sawireh para mantri lan para punggawane makêjang pada lolos. Palayunida Sri Gajahdruma masusupan di alas gununge, nganti joh pamarganidane ngranjing di alase, buka burone borosin, kaulah uli panêgaranidane. Makêlo ida masusupan, ngêt ida manggihin kêdis atat, ingon-ingon i juru boros. Mara i kêdis atat ngajinang ida sang prabu, lantas ia mamunyi banggras: “Nah, ne apa. Lautang jani juk, gatiang pêsan, matiang, bêdil, têbêkin, jalan amah gêtihne”. Mendahan rêko munyin i kêdis atate totonan, angrêsrêsin ane mirêngang wiadin miragiang. Mara tyaksa antuk ida sang prabu, ane ngêlah munyine ênto lantas buin ida lunga, kabatêk baan erang pakayunanidane. Kocap joh pamarganidane masusupan, tusing ngawilang alas madurgama, mawastu rauh ida di Gunung Mandara tongos watêk tapaswine masrama. Ditu ida manggihin patapan suung, tumuli ida mararyan di jabayan griya pasramane. Buin sang prabu nyingak kêdis atat ditu, lantas ida makayun magingsir linggih. Ban kagyatidane, tambis-tambis ida lumayu lunga, wireh kabaos, atate ênto pangguhin ida i tuni, kaliwat-liwat jêlen munyinne. Mara ajinanga baan atate ida sang prabu lakar lunga uli ditu, lantas ia matur srênggara manis, luir gula drawa, kene aturne: “Inggih ratu, mriki durusang simpang, nanging suung. Rarisang dumun malinggih ring balene, sampunang malih i ratu madaging pakayunan sumêndeya. Malih abosbos kakiang i ratu rauh, ngaturang panyambrama. (Bersambung).
Parrot bird with a companion. Told of a king in Kusinara, called Sri Duke. Their land is very peaceful, all enemies in fear, no one dared to oppose it, because of the king's magic. Anyway about his ability to govern can be no doubt. On the vast territory, assumed if measured from the center to the four corners of the region, to the North, the South, the East and the West, the length (distance) of about one month. The king has a great servants, placed at the four winds. Indeed fourth (person) ministers, who pledged to keep its territory. The four ministers are said to have been given power of attorney, (to) keep in the fourth border region, was not allowed to go into town.
Told the old king died, leaving a son, his face was very handsome, called Sri Gajahdruma. The young king was crowned king in Kusinara. The young king had four brothers were also assistants are young, they were relied upon by Sri Gajahdruma. It also makes much loved by the young king. The four officials who were young then please the king Gajahdruma, to replace four ministers are old. In short, his request was granted (by the king), then the four young minister was instructed to find the old fourth minister. It is said that all the ministers of the old man refused to go to the king, for fear of violating the oath, therefore, based on the award / order of former king who had died, was not allowed to overlook the city, although there is a command / something very important (emergency). Therefore, the anger of the king Gajahdruma, again sent envoys. Worthy, four ministers also young, and was ordered to force him. Each journey to the four corners of the region. Already a few days on the trip, at the four corners of the village, and is already morning. The fourth ministerial envoy young, all of them welcomed with respect. All messengers were each carrying a letter, complete with all the equipment like a minister. After receiving the letter, and read. The contents of the letter, so as soon as possible before the king to the city. In addition to the letter, the envoy also said: "Yes, the point is, Mr. was ordered as soon as possible to go into town to the king. If the host does not want to, nevertheless no king would be angry, the more (the king) will finish sir ".
Listen to the words of the messenger, he was stunned speechless. Letter (order) was then placed on the settee, while thinking to himself: "Those who uphold the truth, loyalty should prevail. I'd rather die defending the truth. " After thinking like that, then said: "Yes, my lord, your request will not be fulfilled, ask the servant to the king, because there used to be the oath of the king who had died, I was not allowed to go into town, although there are orders as important. Moreover sworn it was written in the charter that I hold here. Slave did not dare to violate the oath of the deceased. Better dead than a slave servant should violate that oath. But to solve it by servants, my lord, it must reject the king's wishes Gajahdruma slave, who ruled the country Kusinara this, because there are two things that I fear, moreover, that I respect. The point is that he knows, the slave and also charter (award) from the previous king had died haturkan servant, so he understood. Anyway, the head servant of servants shall extend, to hand over to his king Gajahdruma, the second slave undoubtedly receive punishment for disobeying the orders of the late king. " The old minister said. Told supposedly already getting ready for offering / reception to the envoys.
The next morning, after the old minister had a shower and dressed all in white, then go to the park, focusing the mind to release the spirit / soul and adore God of Surya (the Sun), so he is pleased to witness about his loyalty, then he cut off his head. His head was dedicated to the young minister, the messenger of the king. Tak reportedly told the envoys had returned to the four corners of the village. The journey of the delegates all the same. Who knows how long the trip, said to have arrived in the city center, all the king's presence, together deliver to the four chief accompanied with a letter and certificate is given in advance, and with all the wealth and all his children. It was (also) feel bad, when reading the contents of the letter, especially when reading the contents of the charter (grace) ancestors, the fourth was dedicated by the old minister. Told by Sri Gajahdruma, on the fourth devotion minister (old) it, it's all based on obligations to serve. At that time the king also felt guilty, because it follows the words of the young minister. That is why he (the king) will certainly have difficulty, defeated by the king of a neighboring country when the war will occur in the future. As well as the four young minister, would be defeated by the enemy.
Now the king Sri Gajahdruma, said to the fourth youth minister, (for) replace the old minister fourth position. How beautiful hearts four of them, sent to replace, obey all orders of the king, because of his request / desire. Moreover, given abundant wealth, growing happily. Then all headed their respective places. Not told who knows how many years he served as a minister, equally enjoy the luxury, because all his wishes come true. As a result no one can understand the desire of the people. The fourth act of his ministers were eventually heard by the neighboring kings, and equally attacked, stormed across the border line, it penetrates to the city center, all burned. King Gajahdruma lost, and left the government. Therefore all the ministers and the officials fled. Sri Gajahdruma refugees sneak into the forest, traveling to far into the woods, like a hunted animal, were expelled from the kingdom. His long infiltrated in the forest, he suddenly saw a parrot, pets a hunter. When the parrot saw the king, and speak harshly: "Well, this is it. Come now arrested, hurry up, kill, shoot, stab, let's drink his blood. " A wide variety of voice of the parrot, it is very frightening for people who listen. When heard clearly by the king, (of) those who have a voice and then he went again, his heart is very ashamed. It is said that the journey is far from breaking (forest), forest cover does not care, he eventually arrived at Mount Mandara where the hermit lived. There he saw the lonely hermitage, and he stopped outside the Hermitage. There the king back to see the parrot, then he'd switch seats. By surprise, almost any time he goes, so calculated, which saw a parrot that first, very rough voice. When viewed by a parrot king is about to go from a place (seat), then he (the parrot) said in a melodious, so he said: "Yes, my lord, come on, come over here, but (now) is quiet. Please sit down hall, do not feel suspicious of my lord. Shortly grandfather came (to) deliver to the reception. (To be continued).
Aji kalepasan : science / knowledge of the procedure of releasing the spirit
Bisama : swear, curse, vow, it must be obeyed
Dewata : death
Jumeneng : crowned
Juru boros : hunter
Kadarman panyowita : obligation to serve
Rerepi : letter
Sang wus amor ring acintya : death
Sewala patra : letter
Sura satya : suicide defend the truth
Tapaswi : ascetic
Tepi siring : frontier
Tyaksa : clear
Warna : face